cloudFPGA (cF) API  1.0
The documentation of the source code of cloudFPGA (cF)

Testbench for the UDP Offload Engine (UOE) of the Network Transport Stack (NTS). More...

Collaboration diagram for UOE_TEST:


#define THIS_NAME   "TB"
#define TRACE_OFF   0x0000
#define TRACE_CGRF   1 << 1
#define TRACE_CGTF   1 << 2
#define TRACE_DUMTF   1 << 3
#define TRACE_ALL   0xFFFF
#define TB_MAX_SIM_CYCLES   250000
#define TB_STARTUP_DELAY   0
#define TB_GRACE_TIME   1000


enum  TestMode {
  RX_MODE ='0' , TX_DGRM_MODE ='1' , TX_STRM_MODE ='2' , OPEN_MODE ='3' ,
  BIDIR_MODE ='4' , ECHO_MODE ='5' , SPARE_MODE ='6' , DROP_MODE ='7'


void stepSim ()
 Increment the simulation counter. More...
bool drainUdpMetaStreamToFile (stream< UdpAppMeta > &ss, string ssName, string datFile, int &nrChunks, int &nrFrames, int &nrBytes)
 Empty an UdpMeta stream to a DAT file. More...
bool drainUdpDLenStreamToFile (stream< UdpAppDLen > &ss, string ssName, string datFile, int &nrChunks, int &nrFrames, int &nrBytes)
 Empty an UdpDLen stream to a DAT file. More...
bool drainMmioDropCounter (stream< ap_uint< 16 > > &ss, string ssName)
 Empty the DropCounter stream and throw it away. More...
int createUdpTxTraffic (stream< AxisApp > &ssData, const string ssDataName, stream< UdpAppMeta > &ssMeta, const string ssMetaName, stream< UdpAppDLen > &ssDLen, const string ssDLenName, string datFile, queue< UdpAppMeta > &metaQueue, queue< UdpAppDLen > &dlenQueue, int &nrFeededChunks)
 Create the UDP Tx traffic as streams from an input test file. More...
bool readDatagramFromFile (const char *myName, SimUdpDatagram &appDatagram, ifstream &ifsData, UdpAppMeta &udpAppMeta, queue< UdpAppMeta > &udpMetaQueue, queue< UdpAppDLen > &updDLenQueue, int &inpChunks, int &inpDgrms, int &inpBytes, char tbMode)
 Read a datagram from a DAT file. More...
int createGoldenTxFiles (string inpData_FileName, string outData_GoldName, queue< UdpAppMeta > &udpMetaQueue, queue< UdpAppDLen > &updDLenQueue, char tbMode)
 Create the golden IPTX reference file from an input UAIF test file. More...
int createGoldenRxFiles (string inpData_FileName, string outData_GoldName, string outMeta_GoldName, string outDLen_GoldName, set< UdpPort > &udpPorts)
 Create the golden Rx APP reference files from an input IPRX test file. More...
void uoe_top_wrap (CmdBit piMMIO_En, stream< ap_uint< 16 > > &soMMIO_DropCnt, stream< StsBool > &soMMIO_Ready, stream< AxisIp4 > &siIPRX_Data, stream< AxisIp4 > &soIPTX_Data, stream< UdpAppLsnReq > &siUAIF_LsnReq, stream< UdpAppLsnRep > &soUAIF_LsnRep, stream< UdpAppClsReq > &siUAIF_ClsReq, stream< UdpAppClsRep > &soUAIF_ClsRep, stream< UdpAppData > &soUAIF_Data, stream< UdpAppMeta > &soUAIF_Meta, stream< UdpAppDLen > &soUAIF_DLen, stream< UdpAppData > &siUAIF_Data, stream< UdpAppMeta > &siUAIF_Meta, stream< UdpAppDLen > &siUAIF_DLen, stream< AxisIcmp > &soICMP_Data)
 A wrapper for the Toplevel of the UDP Offload Engine (UOE) More...
int main (int argc, char *argv[])
 Main function. More...


bool gTraceEvent = false
bool gFatalError = false
unsigned int gSimCycCnt = 0
unsigned int gMaxSimCycles = 0 + 250000

Detailed Description

Testbench for the UDP Offload Engine (UOE) of the Network Transport Stack (NTS).

Macro Definition Documentation



Definition at line 46 of file test_uoe.cpp.


#define TB_GRACE_TIME   1000

Definition at line 47 of file test_uoe.hpp.


#define TB_MAX_SIM_CYCLES   250000

Definition at line 45 of file test_uoe.hpp.


#define TB_STARTUP_DELAY   0

Definition at line 46 of file test_uoe.hpp.


#define THIS_NAME   "TB"

Definition at line 39 of file test_uoe.cpp.


#define TRACE_ALL   0xFFFF

Definition at line 45 of file test_uoe.cpp.


#define TRACE_CGRF   1 << 1

Definition at line 42 of file test_uoe.cpp.


#define TRACE_CGTF   1 << 2

Definition at line 43 of file test_uoe.cpp.


#define TRACE_DUMTF   1 << 3

Definition at line 44 of file test_uoe.cpp.


#define TRACE_OFF   0x0000

Definition at line 41 of file test_uoe.cpp.

Enumeration Type Documentation

◆ TestMode

enum TestMode

Definition at line 62 of file test_uoe.hpp.

62  { RX_MODE='0', TX_DGRM_MODE='1', TX_STRM_MODE='2',
64  SPARE_MODE='6', DROP_MODE='7' };
Definition: test_uoe.hpp:62
Definition: test_uoe.hpp:63
Definition: test_uoe.hpp:62
Definition: test_uoe.hpp:64
Definition: test_uoe.hpp:63
Definition: test_uoe.hpp:64
Definition: test_uoe.hpp:63
Definition: test_uoe.hpp:62

Function Documentation

◆ createGoldenRxFiles()

int createGoldenRxFiles ( string  inpData_FileName,
string  outData_GoldName,
string  outMeta_GoldName,
string  outDLen_GoldName,
set< UdpPort > &  udpPorts 

Create the golden Rx APP reference files from an input IPRX test file.

[in]inpData_FileNameThe input data file to generate from.
[in]outData_GoldNameThe output data gold file to create.
[in]outMeta_GoldNameThe output meta gold file to create.
[in]outDLen_GoldNameThe output dlen gold file to create.
[out]udpPortSetA ref to an associative container which holds the UDP destination ports.
NTS_ OK if successful, otherwise NTS_KO.

Definition at line 516 of file test_uoe.cpp.

522 {
523  const char *myName = concat3(THIS_NAME, "/", "CGRF");
525  ifstream ifsData;
526  ofstream ofsDataGold;
527  ofstream ofsMetaGold;
528  ofstream ofsDLenGold;
530  char currPath[FILENAME_MAX];
531  int ret=NTS_OK;
532  int inpChunks=0, outChunks=0;
533  int inpPackets=0, outPackets=0;
534  int inpBytes=0, outBytes=0;
536  //-- STEP-1 : OPEN INPUT TEST FILE ----------------------------------------
537  if (not isDatFile(inpData_FileName)) {
538  printError(myName, "Cannot create golden files from input file \'%s\' because file is not of type \'.dat\'.\n",
539  inpData_FileName.c_str());
540  return(NTS_KO);
541  }
542  else {
544  if (!ifsData) {
545  getcwd(currPath, sizeof(currPath));
546  printError(myName, "Cannot open the file: %s \n\t (FYI - The current working directory is: %s) \n",
547  inpData_FileName.c_str(), currPath);
548  return(NTS_KO);
549  }
550  }
552  //-- STEP-2 : OPEN THE OUTPUT GOLD FILES ----------------------------------
553  remove(outData_GoldName.c_str());
554  remove(outMeta_GoldName.c_str());
555  remove(outDLen_GoldName.c_str());
556  if (!ofsDataGold.is_open()) {
557 (outData_GoldName.c_str(), ofstream::out);
558  if (!ofsDataGold) {
559  printFatal(THIS_NAME, "Could not open the output gold file \'%s\'. \n",
560  outData_GoldName.c_str());
561  }
562  }
563  if (!ofsMetaGold.is_open()) {
564 (outMeta_GoldName.c_str(), ofstream::out);
565  if (!ofsMetaGold) {
566  printFatal(THIS_NAME, "Could not open the output gold file \'%s\'. \n",
567  outMeta_GoldName.c_str());
568  }
569  }
570  if (!ofsDLenGold.is_open()) {
571 (outDLen_GoldName.c_str(), ofstream::out);
572  if (!ofsDLenGold) {
573  printFatal(THIS_NAME, "Could not open the output gold file \'%s\'. \n",
574  outDLen_GoldName.c_str());
575  }
576  }
578  //-- STEP-3 : READ AND PARSE THE INPUT UDP FILE ---------------------------
579  while ((ifsData.peek() != EOF) && (ret != NTS_KO)) {
580  SimIp4Packet ip4DataPkt;
581  AxisIp4 ip4RxData;
582  bool endOfPkt=false;
583  bool rc;
584  // Read one packet at a time from input file
585  while ((ifsData.peek() != EOF) && (!endOfPkt)) {
586  rc = readAxisRawFromFile(ip4RxData, ifsData);
587  if (rc) {
588  if (ip4RxData.isValid()) {
589  ip4DataPkt.pushChunk(ip4RxData);
590  if (ip4RxData.getLE_TLast()) {
591  inpPackets++;
592  endOfPkt = true;
593  }
594  }
595  else {
596  // We always abort the stream as this point by asserting
597  // 'tlast' and de-asserting 'tkeep'.
598  ip4DataPkt.pushChunk(AxisIp4(ip4RxData.getLE_TData(), 0x00, 1));
599  inpPackets++;
600  endOfPkt = true;
601  }
602  inpChunks++;
603  inpBytes += ip4RxData.getLen();
604  }
605  } // End-of: while ((ifsData.peek() != EOF) && (!endOfPkt))
607  // Check consistency of the read packet
608  if (endOfPkt and rc) {
609  if (not ip4DataPkt.isWellFormed(myName)) {
610  printFatal(myName, "IP packet #%d is malformed!\n", inpPackets);
611  }
612  }
613  // Build the UDP datagram and corresponding metadata expected at the output of UOE
614  if (endOfPkt) {
615  Ip4Prot ip4Prot = ip4DataPkt.getIpProtocol();
616  if (ip4Prot != IP4_PROT_UDP) {
617  printWarn(myName, "IP packet #%d is dropped because it is not an UDP packet.\n", inpPackets);
618  printInfo(myName, " Received Ip4Prot = 0x%2.2X\n", ip4Prot.to_uchar());
619  printInfo(myName, " Expected Ip4Prot = 0x%2.2X\n", IP4_PROT_UDP);
620  continue;
621  }
622  // Retrieve the UDP datagram from the IPv4 Packet
623  SimUdpDatagram udpDatagram = ip4DataPkt.getUdpDatagram();
624  // Assess IPv4/UDP/Checksum field vs datagram checksum
625  UdpCsum udpHCsum = ip4DataPkt.getUdpChecksum();
626  UdpCsum calcCsum = udpDatagram.reCalculateUdpChecksum(ip4DataPkt.getIpSourceAddress(),
627  ip4DataPkt.getIpDestinationAddress());
628  if ((udpHCsum != 0) and (udpHCsum != calcCsum)) {
629  printWarn(myName, "IP packet #%d is dropped because the UDP checksum is invalid.\n", inpPackets);
630  printInfo(myName, " Received Checksum = 0x%2.2X\n", udpHCsum.to_ushort());
631  printInfo(myName, " Expected Checksum = 0x%2.2X\n", calcCsum.to_ushort());
632  continue;
633  }
635  // Part-1: Create Metadata
636  SocketPair socketPair(SockAddr(ip4DataPkt.getIpSourceAddress(),
637  udpDatagram.getUdpSourcePort()),
638  SockAddr(ip4DataPkt.getIpDestinationAddress(),
639  udpDatagram.getUdpDestinationPort()));
640  if (udpDatagram.getUdpLength() > 8) {
641  writeSocketPairToFile(socketPair, ofsMetaGold);
643  printInfo(myName, "Writing new socket-pair to file:\n");
644  printSockPair(myName, socketPair);
645  }
646  }
647  // Part-2: Update the UDP container set
648  udpPorts.insert(ip4DataPkt.getUdpDestinationPort());
650  // Part-3: Write UDP datagram payload to gold file
651  if (udpDatagram.writePayloadToDatFile(ofsDataGold) == false) {
652  printError(myName, "Failed to write UDP payload to GOLD file.\n");
653  ret = NTS_KO;
654  }
655  else {
656  outPackets += 1;
657  outChunks += udpDatagram.size();
658  outBytes += udpDatagram.length();
659  }
661  // Part-4: Write datagram length to gold file
662  UdpAppDLen dgrmLen = udpDatagram.getUdpLength() - 8;
663  writeApUintToFile(dgrmLen, ofsDLenGold);
665  printInfo(myName, "Writing a new data-length to file:\n");
666  }
668  } // End-of: if (endOfPkt)
669  } // End-of: while ((ifsData.peek() != EOF) && (ret != NTS_KO))
671  //-- STEP-4: CLOSE FILES
672  ifsData.close();
673  ofsDataGold.close();
674  ofsMetaGold.close();
677  printInfo(myName, "Done with the creation of the golden files.\n");
678  printInfo(myName, "\tProcessed %5d chunks in %4d packets, for a total of %6d bytes.\n",
679  inpChunks, inpPackets, inpBytes);
680  printInfo(myName, "\tGenerated %5d chunks in %4d packets, for a total of %6d bytes.\n",
681  outChunks, outPackets, outBytes);
682  return(ret);
683 }
LE_tData getLE_TData(int leHi=64 -1, int leLo=0) const
Definition: AxisRaw.hpp:260
int getLen() const
Definition: AxisRaw.hpp:411
bool isValid() const
Definition: AxisRaw.hpp:434
LE_tLast getLE_TLast() const
Definition: AxisRaw.hpp:268
Class IPv4 Packet for simulation.
bool isWellFormed(const char *callerName, bool checkIp4TotLen=true, bool checkIp4HdrCsum=true, bool checkUdpLen=true, bool checkLy4Csum=true)
Checks if the IP header and embedded protocol fields are properly set.
Ip4Addr getIpSourceAddress()
UdpCsum getUdpChecksum()
void pushChunk(AxisIp4 ip4Chunk)
SimUdpDatagram getUdpDatagram()
UdpPort getUdpDestinationPort()
Ip4Addr getIpDestinationAddress()
Class UDP Datagram.
UdpCsum reCalculateUdpChecksum(Ip4Addr ipSa, Ip4Addr ipDa)
Recalculate the UDP checksum of a datagram.
bool writePayloadToDatFile(ofstream &outFileStream)
Dump the payload of this datagram as AxisUdp chunks into a file.
UdpLen UdpAppDLen
Definition: nal.hpp:255
bool writeApUintToFile(ap_uint< D > &data, ofstream &outFileStream)
Dump an AP_UINT to a file.
bool isDatFile(string fileName)
Checks if a file has a ".dat" extension.
Definition: SimNtsUtils.cpp:52
bool writeSocketPairToFile(SocketPair &socketPair, ofstream &outFileStream)
Dump a SocketPair to a file.
bool readAxisRawFromFile(AxisRaw &axisRaw, ifstream &inpFileStream)
Retrieve an Axis raw data chunk from a file.
#define TRACE_CGRF
Definition: test_uoe.cpp:42
#define THIS_NAME
Definition: test_uoe.cpp:39
Definition: test_uoe.cpp:46
#define NTS_KO
Definition: nts_types.hpp:56
ap_uint< 8 > Ip4Prot
Definition: AxisIp4.hpp:164
#define printError(callerName, format,...)
A macro to print an error message.
Definition: nts_utils.hpp:195
#define IP4_PROT_UDP
Definition: nts_types.hpp:185
#define NTS_OK
Definition: nts_types.hpp:55
#define printInfo(callerName, format,...)
A macro to print an information message.
Definition: nts_utils.hpp:169
#define printWarn(callerName, format,...)
A macro to print a warning message.
Definition: nts_utils.hpp:182
#define concat3(firstCharConst, secondCharConst, thirdCharConst)
Definition: nts_utils.hpp:161
ap_uint< 16 > UdpCsum
Definition: AxisUdp.hpp:101
void printSockPair(const char *callerName, SocketPair sockPair)
Print a socket pair association.
Definition: nts_utils.cpp:114
#define printFatal(callerName, format,...)
A macro to print a fatal error message and exit.
Definition: nts_utils.hpp:208
Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ createGoldenTxFiles()

int createGoldenTxFiles ( string  inpData_FileName,
string  outData_GoldName,
queue< UdpAppMeta > &  udpMetaQueue,
queue< UdpAppDLen > &  updDLenQueue,
char  tbMode 

Create the golden IPTX reference file from an input UAIF test file.

[in]inpData_FileNameThe input data file to generate from.
[in]outData_GoldNameThe output data gold file to create.
[out]udpMetaQueueA ref to a container queue which holds a sequence of UDP socket-pairs.
[out]udpDLenQueueA ref to a container queue which holds a sequence of UDP data packet lengths.
[in]tbModeThe TB testing mode.
NTS_ OK if successful, otherwise NTS_KO.

Definition at line 381 of file test_uoe.cpp.

387 {
388  const char *myName = concat3(THIS_NAME, "/", "CGTF");
390  const Ip4Addr fpgaDefaultIp4Address = 0x0A0CC807; //
391  const UdpPort fpgaDefaultUdpLsnPort = 8803;
392  const UdpPort fpgaDefaultUdpSndPort = 32768+8803; // 41571
393  const Ip4Addr hostDefaultIp4Address = 0x0A0CC832; //
394  const UdpPort hostDefaultUdpLsnPort = fpgaDefaultUdpSndPort;
395  const UdpPort hostDefaultUdpSndPort = fpgaDefaultUdpLsnPort;
397  ifstream ifsData;
398  ofstream ofsDataGold;
400  char currPath[FILENAME_MAX];
401  int inpChunks=0, outChunks=0;
402  int inpDgrms=0, outPackets=0;
403  int inpBytes=0, outBytes=0;
405  //-- STEP-1 : OPEN INPUT TEST FILE ----------------------------------------
406  if (not isDatFile(inpData_FileName)) {
407  printError(myName, "Cannot create golden file from input file \'%s\' because file is not of type \'.dat\'.\n",
408  inpData_FileName.c_str());
409  return(NTS_KO);
410  }
411  else {
413  if (!ifsData) {
414  getcwd(currPath, sizeof(currPath));
415  printError(myName, "Cannot open the file: %s \n\t (FYI - The current working directory is: %s) \n",
416  inpData_FileName.c_str(), currPath);
417  return(NTS_KO);
418  }
419  }
421  //-- STEP-2 : OPEN THE OUTPUT GOLD FILE -----------------------------------
422  remove(outData_GoldName.c_str());
423  if (!ofsDataGold.is_open()) {
424 (outData_GoldName.c_str(), ofstream::out);
425  if (!ofsDataGold) {
426  printFatal(THIS_NAME, "Could not open the output gold file \'%s\'. \n",
427  outData_GoldName.c_str());
428  }
429  }
431  //-- STEP-3 : READ AND PARSE THE INPUT TEST FILE --------------------------
432  SockAddr hostLsnSock = SockAddr(hostDefaultIp4Address, hostDefaultUdpLsnPort);
433  SockAddr fpgaSndSock = SockAddr(fpgaDefaultIp4Address, fpgaDefaultUdpSndPort);
434  do {
435  SimUdpDatagram appDatagram(8);
436  UdpAppMeta udpAppMeta(SocketPair(fpgaSndSock, hostLsnSock));
437  bool endOfDgm=false;
438  //-- Retrieve one APP datagram from input DAT file (can be up to 2^16-1 bytes)
439  endOfDgm = readDatagramFromFile(myName, appDatagram, ifsData, udpAppMeta,
440  udpMetaQueue, updDLenQueue,
441  inpChunks, inpDgrms, inpBytes, tbMode);
442  //-- Set the header of the UDP datagram
443  appDatagram.setUdpSourcePort(udpAppMeta.udpSrcPort);
444  appDatagram.setUdpDestinationPort(udpAppMeta.udpDstPort);
445  appDatagram.setUdpLength(appDatagram.length());
446  appDatagram.setUdpChecksum(0);
447  if (endOfDgm) {
448  //-- Pull and save the datagram's header for re-use
449  SimUdpDatagram savedUdpHeader = appDatagram.pullHeader();
450  //-- Split the incoming APP datagram in one or multiple ETH frames
451  //-- The max. frame size is define by the UDP_MaximumDatagramSize)
452  while (appDatagram.length() > 0) {
453  //-- Build an IPv4 packet based on the split datagram
454  UdpLen splitLen;
455  SimIp4Packet ipPacket(20);
456  SimUdpDatagram udpHeader;
457  //-- Clone the saved UDP header
458  udpHeader.cloneHeader(savedUdpHeader);
459  //-- Adjust the datagram length of the header
460  if (appDatagram.length() <= UDP_MDS) {
461  splitLen = appDatagram.length();
462  }
463  else {
464  splitLen = UDP_MDS;
465  }
466  udpHeader.setUdpLength(UDP_HEADER_LEN+splitLen);
467  //-- Append the UDP header
468  ipPacket.addIpPayload(udpHeader, UDP_HEADER_LEN);
469  //-- Append the UDP data
470  ipPacket.addIpPayload(appDatagram, splitLen);
471  //-- Set the header of the IPv4 datagram
472  ipPacket.setIpSourceAddress(udpAppMeta.ip4SrcAddr);
473  ipPacket.setIpDestinationAddress(udpAppMeta.ip4DstAddr);
474  ipPacket.setIpTotalLength(ipPacket.length());
475  ipPacket.udpRecalculateChecksum();
476  // Write IPv4 packet to gold file
477  if (not ipPacket.writeToDatFile(ofsDataGold)) {
478  printError(myName, "Failed to write IP packet to GOLD file.\n");
479  return NTS_KO;
480  }
481  else {
482  outPackets += 1;
483  outChunks += ipPacket.size();
484  outBytes += ipPacket.length();
485  }
486  }
487  }
489  } while(ifsData.peek() != EOF);
491  //-- STEP-4: CLOSE FILES
492  ifsData.close();
493  ofsDataGold.close();
496  printInfo(myName, "Done with the creation of the golden file.\n");
497  printInfo(myName, "\tProcessed %5d chunks in %4d datagrams, for a total of %6d bytes.\n",
498  inpChunks, inpDgrms, inpBytes);
499  printInfo(myName, "\tGenerated %5d chunks in %4d packets, for a total of %6d bytes.\n",
500  outChunks, outPackets, outBytes);
501  return NTS_OK;
502 }
SimUdpDatagram pullHeader()
Pull the header of this datagram.
void setUdpLength(UdpLen len)
void cloneHeader(SimUdpDatagram &udpDgm)
Clone the header of a UDP datagram.
ap_uint< 16 > UdpLen
Definition: nal.hpp:250
ap_uint< 16 > UdpPort
Definition: nal.hpp:249
bool readDatagramFromFile(const char *myName, SimUdpDatagram &appDatagram, ifstream &ifsData, UdpAppMeta &udpAppMeta, queue< UdpAppMeta > &udpMetaQueue, queue< UdpAppDLen > &updDLenQueue, int &inpChunks, int &inpDgrms, int &inpBytes, char tbMode)
Read a datagram from a DAT file.
Definition: test_uoe.cpp:297
ap_uint< 32 > Ip4Addr
Definition: AxisIp4.hpp:169
Definition: AxisUdp.hpp:81
tuple UDP_MDS
Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ createUdpTxTraffic()

int createUdpTxTraffic ( stream< AxisApp > &  ssData,
const string  ssDataName,
stream< UdpAppMeta > &  ssMeta,
const string  ssMetaName,
stream< UdpAppDLen > &  ssDLen,
const string  ssDLenName,
string  datFile,
queue< UdpAppMeta > &  metaQueue,
queue< UdpAppDLen > &  dlenQueue,
int &  nrFeededChunks 

Create the UDP Tx traffic as streams from an input test file.

[in/out]ssData A ref to the data stream to set.
[in]ssDataNameThe name of the data stream to set.
[in/out]ssMeta A ref to the metadata stream to set.
[in]ssMetaNameThe name of the metadata stream to set.
[in/out]ssDLen A ref to the data-length stream to set.
[in]ssDLenNameThe name of the datalength stream to set.
[in]datFileNameThe path to the DAT file to read from.
[in]metaQueueA ref to a queue of metadata.
[in]dlenQueueA ref to a queue of data-lengths.
[out]nrChunksA ref to the number of feeded chunks.
NTS_ OK if successful, otherwise NTS_KO.

Definition at line 235 of file test_uoe.cpp.

243 {
245  int nrUAIF_UOE_MetaChunks = 0;
246  int nrUAIF_UOE_MetaGrams = 0;
247  int nrUAIF_UOE_MetaBytes = 0;
249  //-- STEP-1: FEED AXIS DATA STREAM FROM DAT FILE --------------------------
250  int nrDataChunks=0, nrDataGrams=0, nrDataBytes=0;
251  if (feedAxisFromFile(ssData, ssDataName, datFile,
252  nrDataChunks, nrDataGrams, nrDataBytes)) {
253  printInfo(THIS_NAME, "Done with the creation of UDP-Data traffic as a stream:\n");
254  printInfo(THIS_NAME, "\tGenerated %d chunks in %d datagrams, for a total of %d bytes.\n\n",
255  nrDataChunks, nrDataGrams, nrDataBytes);
256  nrFeededChunks = nrDataChunks;
257  }
258  else {
259  printError(THIS_NAME, "Failed to create UDP-Data traffic as input stream. \n");
260  return NTS_KO;
261  }
263  //-- STEP-2: FEED METADATA STREAM FROM QUEUE ------------------------------
264  while (!metaQueue.empty()) {
265  ssMeta.write(metaQueue.front());
266  metaQueue.pop();
267  }
268  // Try appending a fake metadata to avoid problems at end of RTL/CoSim
269  ssMeta.write(UdpAppMeta(SockAddr(0,0), SockAddr(0,0)));
271  //-- STEP-3: FEED DATA-LENGTH STREAM FROM QUEUE ---------------------------
272  while(!dlenQueue.empty()) {
273  ssDLen.write(dlenQueue.front());
274  dlenQueue.pop();
275  }
276  // Try appending a fake metadata to avoid problems at end of RTL/CoSim
277  ssDLen.write(UdpAppDLen(0));
279  return NTS_OK;
280 } // End-of: createUdpTxTraffic()
bool feedAxisFromFile(stream< AXIS_T > &ss, const string ssName, string datFile, int &nrChunks, int &nrFrames, int &nrBytes)
Initialize an Axi4-Stream (Axis) from a DAT file.
Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ drainMmioDropCounter()

bool drainMmioDropCounter ( stream< ap_uint< 16 > > &  ss,
string  ssName 

Empty the DropCounter stream and throw it away.

[in/out]ss A ref to the stream to drain.
[in]ssNameThe name of the stream to drain.
NTS_OK if successful, otherwise NTS_KO.

Definition at line 201 of file test_uoe.cpp.

201  {
203  int nr=0;
204  const char *myName = concat3(THIS_NAME, "/", "DUMTF");
205  ap_uint<16> currDropCount;
206  ap_uint<16> prevDropCount=0;
209  while (!(ss.empty())) {
211  if (currDropCount != prevDropCount) {
212  printWarn(myName, "A datagram has been dropped (currDropCounter=%d). \n", currDropCount.to_ushort());
213  }
214  prevDropCount = currDropCount;
215  }
216  return(NTS_OK);
217 }
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ drainUdpDLenStreamToFile()

bool drainUdpDLenStreamToFile ( stream< UdpAppDLen > &  ss,
string  ssName,
string  datFile,
int &  nrChunks,
int &  nrFrames,
int &  nrBytes 

Empty an UdpDLen stream to a DAT file.

[in/out]ss A ref to the UDP data length stream to drain.
[in]ssNameThe name of the UDP metadata stream to drain.
[in]fileNameThe DAT file to write to.
[outnrChunks A ref to the number of written chunks.
[out]nrFramesA ref to the number of written AXI4 streams.
[out]nrBytesA ref to the number of written bytes.
NTS_OK if successful, otherwise NTS_KO.

Definition at line 142 of file test_uoe.cpp.

143  {
144  ofstream outFileStream;
145  char currPath[FILENAME_MAX];
146  UdpAppDLen udpDLen;
148  const char *myName = concat3(THIS_NAME, "/", "DUMTF");
151  remove(ssName.c_str());
153  //-- OPEN FILE
154  if (!outFileStream.is_open()) {
155, ofstream::out);
156  if (!outFileStream) {
157  printError(THIS_NAME, "Cannot open the file: \'%s\'.\n", datFile.c_str());
158  return(NTS_KO);
159  }
160  }
162  // Assess that file has ".dat" extension
163  if ( datFile.find_last_of ( '.' ) != string::npos ) {
164  string extension ( datFile.substr( datFile.find_last_of ( '.' ) + 1 ) );
165  if (extension != "dat") {
166  printError(THIS_NAME, "Cannot dump DataLength stream to file \'%s\' because file is not of type \'DAT\'.\n", datFile.c_str());
167  outFileStream.close();
168  return(NTS_KO);
169  }
170  }
173  outFileStream << std::hex << std::noshowbase;
174  outFileStream << std::setfill('0');
175  outFileStream << std::uppercase;
176  while (!(ss.empty())) {
178  writeApUintToFile(udpDLen, outFileStream);
179  nrChunks++;
180  nrBytes += 2;
181  nrFrames++;
183  printInfo(myName, "Writing a new data-length to file:\n");
184  }
185  }
187  //-- CLOSE FILE
188  outFileStream.close();
190  return(NTS_OK);
191 }
Definition: test_uoe.cpp:44
void uppercase(ap_uint< 32 > *pi_rank, ap_uint< 32 > *pi_size, stream< NetworkWord > &siSHL_This_Data, stream< NetworkWord > &soTHIS_Shl_Data, stream< NetworkMetaStream > &siNrc_meta, stream< NetworkMetaStream > &soNrc_meta, ap_uint< 32 > *po_rx_ports)
Main process of the Uppercase Application directives.
Definition: uppercase.cpp:335
Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ drainUdpMetaStreamToFile()

bool drainUdpMetaStreamToFile ( stream< UdpAppMeta > &  ss,
string  ssName,
string  datFile,
int &  nrChunks,
int &  nrFrames,
int &  nrBytes 

Empty an UdpMeta stream to a DAT file.

[in/out]ss A ref to the UDP metadata stream to drain.
[in]ssNameThe name of the UDP metadata stream to drain.
[in]fileNameThe DAT file to write to.
[outnrChunks A ref to the number of written chunks.
[out]nrFramesA ref to the number of written AXI4 streams.
[out]nrBytesA ref to the number of written bytes.
NTS_OK if successful, otherwise NTS_KO.

Definition at line 74 of file test_uoe.cpp.

75  {
76  ofstream outFileStream;
77  char currPath[FILENAME_MAX];
78  UdpAppMeta udpMeta;
80  const char *myName = concat3(THIS_NAME, "/", "DUMTF");
83  remove(ssName.c_str());
85  //-- OPEN FILE
86  if (!outFileStream.is_open()) {
87, ofstream::out);
88  if (!outFileStream) {
89  printError(THIS_NAME, "Cannot open the file: \'%s\'.\n", datFile.c_str());
90  return(NTS_KO);
91  }
92  }
94  // Assess that file has ".dat" extension
95  if ( datFile.find_last_of ( '.' ) != string::npos ) {
96  string extension ( datFile.substr( datFile.find_last_of ( '.' ) + 1 ) );
97  if (extension != "dat") {
98  printError(THIS_NAME, "Cannot dump SocketPair stream to file \'%s\' because file is not of type \'DAT\'.\n", datFile.c_str());
99  outFileStream.close();
100  return(NTS_KO);
101  }
102  }
105  outFileStream << std::hex << std::noshowbase;
106  outFileStream << std::setfill('0');
107  outFileStream << std::uppercase;
108  while (!(ss.empty())) {
110  SocketPair socketPair(SockAddr(udpMeta.ip4SrcAddr,
111  udpMeta.udpSrcPort),
112  SockAddr(udpMeta.ip4DstAddr,
113  udpMeta.udpDstPort));
114  writeSocketPairToFile(socketPair, outFileStream);
115  nrChunks++;
116  nrBytes += 12;
117  nrFrames++;
119  printInfo(myName, "Writing new socket-pair to file:\n");
120  printSockPair(myName, socketPair);
121  }
122  }
124  //-- CLOSE FILE
125  outFileStream.close();
127  return(NTS_OK);
128 }
Ly4Port udpDstPort
Definition: nts.hpp:229
Ly4Port udpSrcPort
Definition: nts.hpp:227
Ip4Addr ip4SrcAddr
Definition: nts.hpp:226
Ip4Addr ip4DstAddr
Definition: nts.hpp:228
Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ main()

int main ( int  argc,
char *  argv[] 

Main function.

[in]modeThe test mode (RX_MODE='0', TX_DGRM_MODE='1', TX_STRM_MODE='2', OPEN_MODE='3', BIDIR_MODE='4', ECHO_MODE='5')
[in]inpFile1The pathname of the 1st input test vector file.
[in]inpFile2The pathname of the 2nd input test vector file.
The number of input parameters is variable and depends on the testing mode. Example (see also file '../run_hls.tcl'): csim_design -argv "0 ../../../../test/testVectors/siIPRX_OneDatagram.dat" The possible options can be summarized as follows: IF (mode==0) inpFile1 = siIPRX_<FileName>.dat ELSE-IF (mode == 1 or mode == 2) inpFile1 = siUAIF_<Filename>.dat ELSE-IF (mode == 3) inpFile1 = siIPRX_<FileName>.dat inpFile2 = siUAIF_<Filename>.dat
Add coverage for the closing of a port.

Definition at line 793 of file test_uoe.cpp.

793  {
795  gSimCycCnt = 0;
797  //------------------------------------------------------
799  //------------------------------------------------------
800  int nrErr = 0; // Tb error counter.
801  char tbMode = 'x'; // Indicates the TB testing mode.
803  UdpPort portToOpen;
804  StsBool openReply;
806  //------------------------------------------------------
808  //------------------------------------------------------
809  CmdBit sMMIO_UOE_Enable = CMD_ENABLE;
811  //------------------------------------------------------
813  //------------------------------------------------------
814  stream<StsBool> ssUOE_MMIO_Ready ("ssUOE_MMIO_Ready");
815  stream<ap_uint<16> > ssUOE_MMIO_DropCnt ("ssUOE_MMIO_DropCnt");
817  stream<AxisIp4> ssIPRX_UOE_Data ("ssIPRX_UOE_Data");
818  stream<AxisIp4> ssUOE_IPTX_Data ("ssUOE_IPTX_Data");
820  stream<UdpPort> ssUAIF_UOE_LsnReq ("ssUAIF_UOE_LsnReq");
821  stream<StsBool> ssUOE_UAIF_LsnRep ("ssUOE_UAIF_LsnRep");
822  stream<UdpPort> ssUAIF_UOE_ClsReq ("ssUAIF_UOE_ClsReq");
823  stream<StsBool> ssUOE_UAIF_ClsRep ("ssUOE_UAIF_ClsRep");
825  stream<AxisApp> ssUOE_UAIF_Data ("ssUOE_UAIF_Data");
826  stream<UdpAppMeta> ssUOE_UAIF_Meta ("ssUOE_UAIF_Meta");
827  stream<UdpAppDLen> ssUOE_UAIF_DLen ("ssUOE_UAIF_DLen");
829  stream<AxisApp> ssUAIF_UOE_Data ("ssUAIF_UOE_Data");
830  stream<UdpAppMeta> ssUAIF_UOE_Meta ("ssUAIF_UOE_Meta");
831  stream<UdpAppDLen> ssUAIF_UOE_DLen ("ssUAIF-UOE_DLen");
833  stream<AxisIcmp> ssUOE_ICMP_Data ("ssUOE_ICMP_Data");
835  //------------------------------------------------------
837  //------------------------------------------------------
838  if (argc > 1) {
839  tbMode = *argv[1]; // Retrieve the TB testing mode.
840  }
841  switch (tbMode) {
842  case RX_MODE:
843  case TX_DGRM_MODE:
844  case TX_STRM_MODE:
845  case DROP_MODE:
846  if (argc < 3) {
847  printFatal(THIS_NAME, "Expected a minimum of 2 parameters with one of the following synopsis:\n \t\t mode(0) siIPRX_<Filename>.dat\n \t\t mode(1|2) siUAIF_<Filename>.dat\n");
848  }
849  break;
850  case BIDIR_MODE:
851  printFatal(THIS_NAME, "BIDIR_MODE - Not yet implemented...\n");
852  break;
853  case ECHO_MODE:
854  printFatal(THIS_NAME, "ECHO_MODE - Not yet implemented...\n");
855  break;
856  case OPEN_MODE:
857  if (argc > 2) {
858  printFatal(THIS_NAME, "Found more than one parameter.\n \t\t Expected a single parameter to be = '3' \n");
859  }
860  break;
861  default:
862  printFatal(THIS_NAME, "Expected a minimum of 2 or 3 parameters with one of the following synopsis:\n \t\t mode(0|3) siIPRX_<Filename>.dat\n \t\t mode(1) siUAIF_<Filename>.dat\n \t\t mode(2) siIPRX_<Filename>.dat siUAIF_<Filename>.dat\n");
863  }
865  printInfo(THIS_NAME, "############################################################################\n");
866  printInfo(THIS_NAME, "## TESTBENCH 'test_uoe' STARTS HERE ##\n");
867  printInfo(THIS_NAME, "############################################################################\n\n");
868  printInfo(THIS_NAME, "This testbench will be executed with the following parameters: \n");
869  printInfo(THIS_NAME, "\t==> TB Mode = %c\n", *argv[1]);
870  for (int i=2; i<argc; i++) {
871  printInfo(THIS_NAME, "\t==> Param[%d] = %s\n", (i-1), argv[i]);
872  }
873  printf("\n\n");
875  if (tbMode == OPEN_MODE) {
876  // Wait until UOE is ready (~2^16 cycles)
877  bool isReady = false;
878  do {
879  #if HLS_VERSION == 2017
880  uoe_top(
881  sMMIO_UOE_Enable,
882  ssUOE_MMIO_DropCnt,
883  ssUOE_MMIO_Ready,
884  ssIPRX_UOE_Data,
885  ssUOE_IPTX_Data,
886  ssUAIF_UOE_LsnReq,
887  ssUOE_UAIF_LsnRep,
888  ssUAIF_UOE_ClsReq,
889  ssUOE_UAIF_ClsRep,
890  ssUOE_UAIF_Data,
891  ssUOE_UAIF_Meta,
892  ssUOE_UAIF_DLen,
893  ssUAIF_UOE_Data,
894  ssUAIF_UOE_Meta,
895  ssUAIF_UOE_DLen,
896  ssUOE_ICMP_Data);
897  #else
898  uoe_top_wrap(
899  sMMIO_UOE_Enable,
900  ssUOE_MMIO_DropCnt,
901  ssUOE_MMIO_Ready,
902  ssIPRX_UOE_Data,
903  ssUOE_IPTX_Data,
904  ssUAIF_UOE_LsnReq,
905  ssUOE_UAIF_LsnRep,
906  ssUAIF_UOE_ClsReq,
907  ssUOE_UAIF_ClsRep,
908  ssUOE_UAIF_Data,
909  ssUOE_UAIF_Meta,
910  ssUOE_UAIF_DLen,
911  ssUAIF_UOE_Data,
912  ssUAIF_UOE_Meta,
913  ssUAIF_UOE_DLen,
914  ssUOE_ICMP_Data);
915  #endif
916  if (!ssUOE_MMIO_Ready.empty()) {
917  isReady =;
918  }
919  stepSim();
920  } while (!isReady);
922  //---------------------------------------------------------------
923  //-- OPEN_MODE: Attempt to close a port that isn't open.
924  //-- Expected response is: Nothing.
925  //---------------------------------------------------------------
926  printInfo(THIS_NAME, "== OPEN-TEST #1 : Request to close a port that isn't open.\n");
927  ssUAIF_UOE_ClsReq.write(0x1532);
928  for (int i=0; i<10; ++i) {
929  #if HLS_VERSION == 2017
930  uoe_top(
931  sMMIO_UOE_Enable,
932  ssUOE_MMIO_DropCnt,
933  ssUOE_MMIO_Ready,
934  ssIPRX_UOE_Data,
935  ssUOE_IPTX_Data,
936  ssUAIF_UOE_LsnReq,
937  ssUOE_UAIF_LsnRep,
938  ssUAIF_UOE_ClsReq,
939  ssUOE_UAIF_ClsRep,
940  ssUOE_UAIF_Data,
941  ssUOE_UAIF_Meta,
942  ssUOE_UAIF_DLen,
943  ssUAIF_UOE_Data,
944  ssUAIF_UOE_Meta,
945  ssUAIF_UOE_DLen,
946  ssUOE_ICMP_Data);
947  #else
948  uoe_top_wrap(
949  sMMIO_UOE_Enable,
950  ssUOE_MMIO_DropCnt,
951  ssUOE_MMIO_Ready,
952  ssIPRX_UOE_Data,
953  ssUOE_IPTX_Data,
954  ssUAIF_UOE_LsnReq,
955  ssUOE_UAIF_LsnRep,
956  ssUAIF_UOE_ClsReq,
957  ssUOE_UAIF_ClsRep,
958  ssUOE_UAIF_Data,
959  ssUOE_UAIF_Meta,
960  ssUOE_UAIF_DLen,
961  ssUAIF_UOE_Data,
962  ssUAIF_UOE_Meta,
963  ssUAIF_UOE_DLen,
964  ssUOE_ICMP_Data);
965  #endif
966  if (!ssUOE_MMIO_Ready.empty()) {
967  isReady =;
968  }
970  stepSim();
971  }
972  printInfo(THIS_NAME, "== OPEN-TEST #1 : Done.\n\n");
974  //---------------------------------------------------------------
975  //-- OPEN_MODE: Attempt to open a new port.
976  //-- Expected response is: Port opened successfully
977  //---------------------------------------------------------------
978  printInfo(THIS_NAME, "== OPEN-TEST #2 : Request to open a port.\n");
979  portToOpen = 0x80;
980  printInfo(THIS_NAME, "Now - Trying to open port #%d.\n", portToOpen.to_int());
981  ssUAIF_UOE_LsnReq.write(0x80);
982  for (int i=0; i<3; ++i) {
983  #if HLS_VERSION == 2017
984  uoe_top(
985  sMMIO_UOE_Enable,
986  ssUOE_MMIO_DropCnt,
987  ssUOE_MMIO_Ready,
988  ssIPRX_UOE_Data,
989  ssUOE_IPTX_Data,
990  ssUAIF_UOE_LsnReq,
991  ssUOE_UAIF_LsnRep,
992  ssUAIF_UOE_ClsReq,
993  ssUOE_UAIF_ClsRep,
994  ssUOE_UAIF_Data,
995  ssUOE_UAIF_Meta,
996  ssUOE_UAIF_DLen,
997  ssUAIF_UOE_Data,
998  ssUAIF_UOE_Meta,
999  ssUAIF_UOE_DLen,
1000  ssUOE_ICMP_Data);
1001  #else
1002  uoe_top_wrap(
1003  sMMIO_UOE_Enable,
1004  ssUOE_MMIO_DropCnt,
1005  ssUOE_MMIO_Ready,
1006  ssIPRX_UOE_Data,
1007  ssUOE_IPTX_Data,
1008  ssUAIF_UOE_LsnReq,
1009  ssUOE_UAIF_LsnRep,
1010  ssUAIF_UOE_ClsReq,
1011  ssUOE_UAIF_ClsRep,
1012  ssUOE_UAIF_Data,
1013  ssUOE_UAIF_Meta,
1014  ssUOE_UAIF_DLen,
1015  ssUAIF_UOE_Data,
1016  ssUAIF_UOE_Meta,
1017  ssUAIF_UOE_DLen,
1018  ssUOE_ICMP_Data);
1019  #endif
1020  if (!ssUOE_MMIO_Ready.empty()) {
1021  isReady =;
1022  }
1024  stepSim();
1025  }
1026  openReply = false;
1027  if (!ssUOE_UAIF_LsnRep.empty()) {
1028  openReply =;
1029  if (openReply) {
1030  printInfo(THIS_NAME, "OK - Port #%d was successfully opened.\n", portToOpen.to_int());
1031  }
1032  else {
1033  printError(THIS_NAME, "KO - Failed to open port #%d.\n", portToOpen.to_int());
1034  nrErr++;
1035  }
1036  }
1037  else {
1038  printError(THIS_NAME, "NoReply - Failed to open port #%d.\n", portToOpen.to_int());
1039  nrErr++;
1040  }
1041  printInfo(THIS_NAME, "== OPEN-TEST #2 : Done.\n\n");
1043  //---------------------------------------------------------------
1044  //-- OPEN_MODE: Close an already open port
1045  //---------------------------------------------------------------
1046  printInfo(THIS_NAME, "== OPEN-TEST #3 : Request to close an opened port.\n");
1047  UdpPort portToClose = portToOpen;
1048  printInfo(THIS_NAME, "Now - Trying to close port #%d.\n", portToOpen.to_int());
1049  ssUAIF_UOE_ClsReq.write(portToClose);
1050  for (int i=0; i<10; ++i) {
1051  #if HLS_VERSION == 2017
1052  uoe_top(
1053  sMMIO_UOE_Enable,
1054  ssUOE_MMIO_DropCnt,
1055  ssUOE_MMIO_Ready,
1056  ssIPRX_UOE_Data,
1057  ssUOE_IPTX_Data,
1058  ssUAIF_UOE_LsnReq,
1059  ssUOE_UAIF_LsnRep,
1060  ssUAIF_UOE_ClsReq,
1061  ssUOE_UAIF_ClsRep,
1062  ssUOE_UAIF_Data,
1063  ssUOE_UAIF_Meta,
1064  ssUOE_UAIF_DLen,
1065  ssUAIF_UOE_Data,
1066  ssUAIF_UOE_Meta,
1067  ssUAIF_UOE_DLen,
1068  ssUOE_ICMP_Data);
1069  #else
1070  uoe_top_wrap(
1071  sMMIO_UOE_Enable,
1072  ssUOE_MMIO_DropCnt,
1073  ssUOE_MMIO_Ready,
1074  ssIPRX_UOE_Data,
1075  ssUOE_IPTX_Data,
1076  ssUAIF_UOE_LsnReq,
1077  ssUOE_UAIF_LsnRep,
1078  ssUAIF_UOE_ClsReq,
1079  ssUOE_UAIF_ClsRep,
1080  ssUOE_UAIF_Data,
1081  ssUOE_UAIF_Meta,
1082  ssUOE_UAIF_DLen,
1083  ssUAIF_UOE_Data,
1084  ssUAIF_UOE_Meta,
1085  ssUAIF_UOE_DLen,
1086  ssUOE_ICMP_Data);
1087  #endif
1088  if (!ssUOE_MMIO_Ready.empty()) {
1089  isReady =;
1090  }
1092  stepSim();
1093  }
1094  printInfo(THIS_NAME, "== OPEN-TEST #3 : Done.\n\n");
1096  //---------------------------------------------------------------
1097  //-- OPEN_MODE: Attempt to send traffic to a closed port.
1098  //-- Expected response is: Packet is dropped and an ICMP message
1099  // with'PORT_UNREAHCHABLE' is generated.
1100  //---------------------------------------------------------------
1101  printInfo(THIS_NAME, "== OPEN-TEST #4 : Send IPv4 traffic to a closed port.\n");
1103  const Ip4Addr fpgaDefaultIp4Address = 0x0A0CC807; //
1104  const Ip4Addr hostDefaultIp4Address = 0x0A0CC832; //
1106  //-- Build an UDP datagram over an IPv4 packet
1107  SimUdpDatagram udpDatagram(UDP_HEADER_LEN);
1108  AxisUdp udpChunk1(0xCAFFE000000CAFFE, 0xFF, 0);
1109  AxisUdp udpChunk2(0x000000FAB0000000, 0xFF, 1);
1110  udpDatagram.pushChunk(udpChunk1);
1111  udpDatagram.pushChunk(udpChunk2);
1112  udpDatagram.setUdpSourcePort(0xcafe);
1113  udpDatagram.setUdpDestinationPort(0xDEAD); // This must be a closed port
1114  udpDatagram.setUdpLength(udpDatagram.length());
1115  SimIp4Packet ipPacket(20);
1116  ipPacket.addIpPayload(udpDatagram);
1117  ipPacket.setIpSourceAddress(hostDefaultIp4Address);
1118  ipPacket.setIpDestinationAddress(hostDefaultIp4Address);
1119  ipPacket.setIpTotalLength(ipPacket.length());
1120  ipPacket.udpRecalculateChecksum();
1121  int pktSize = ipPacket.size();
1122  for (int i=0; i<pktSize; i++) {
1123  ssIPRX_UOE_Data.write(ipPacket.pullChunk());
1124  }
1126  int tbRun = ipPacket.size() + TB_GRACE_TIME;
1127  while (tbRun) {
1128  #if HLS_VERSION == 2017
1129  uoe_top(
1130  sMMIO_UOE_Enable,
1131  ssUOE_MMIO_DropCnt,
1132  ssUOE_MMIO_Ready,
1133  ssIPRX_UOE_Data,
1134  ssUOE_IPTX_Data,
1135  ssUAIF_UOE_LsnReq,
1136  ssUOE_UAIF_LsnRep,
1137  ssUAIF_UOE_ClsReq,
1138  ssUOE_UAIF_ClsRep,
1139  ssUOE_UAIF_Data,
1140  ssUOE_UAIF_Meta,
1141  ssUOE_UAIF_DLen,
1142  ssUAIF_UOE_Data,
1143  ssUAIF_UOE_Meta,
1144  ssUAIF_UOE_DLen,
1145  ssUOE_ICMP_Data);
1146  #else
1147  uoe_top_wrap(
1148  sMMIO_UOE_Enable,
1149  ssUOE_MMIO_DropCnt,
1150  ssUOE_MMIO_Ready,
1151  ssIPRX_UOE_Data,
1152  ssUOE_IPTX_Data,
1153  ssUAIF_UOE_LsnReq,
1154  ssUOE_UAIF_LsnRep,
1155  ssUAIF_UOE_ClsReq,
1156  ssUOE_UAIF_ClsRep,
1157  ssUOE_UAIF_Data,
1158  ssUOE_UAIF_Meta,
1159  ssUOE_UAIF_DLen,
1160  ssUAIF_UOE_Data,
1161  ssUAIF_UOE_Meta,
1162  ssUAIF_UOE_DLen,
1163  ssUOE_ICMP_Data);
1164  #endif
1165  if (!ssUOE_MMIO_Ready.empty()) {
1166  isReady =;
1167  }
1168  if (!ssUOE_UAIF_Data.empty()) {
1169  UdpAppData appData =;
1170  printError(THIS_NAME, "Received unexpected data from [UOE]");
1171  printAxisRaw(THIS_NAME, appData);
1172  nrErr++;
1173  }
1174  tbRun--;
1175  stepSim();
1176  }
1178  // Drain the ICMP packet
1179  printInfo(THIS_NAME, "Draining the following ICMP packet from UOE:\n\t FYI, it should contain the IPv4 header and the UDP header.\n ");
1181  AxisIcmp axisChunk;
1182  int noChunks=0;
1183  while (!ssUOE_ICMP_Data.empty()) {
1185  printAxisRaw(THIS_NAME, "\t ICMP chunk = ", axisChunk);
1186  noChunks++;
1187  }
1188  if (noChunks != 4) {
1189  printError(THIS_NAME, "Wrong number of chunks issued by UOe. \n\t Expected 4 - Received %d. \n", noChunks);
1190  nrErr++;
1191  }
1193  if (nrErr == 0) {
1194  printInfo(THIS_NAME, "== OPEN-TEST #4 : Passed.\n\n");
1195  }
1196  else {
1197  printError(THIS_NAME, "== OPEN-TEST #4 : Failed. \n\n");
1198  }
1199  } // End-of: if (tbMode == OPEN_MODE)
1201  else if (tbMode == RX_MODE) {
1202  //---------------------------------------------------------------
1203  //-- RX_MODE: Read in the test input data for the IPRX side.
1204  //-- This run will start by opening all the required ports in
1205  //-- listen mode.
1206  //---------------------------------------------------------------
1207  printInfo(THIS_NAME, "== RX-TEST : Send IPv4 traffic to an opened port.\n");
1209  //-- CREATE DUT OUTPUT TRAFFIC AS STREAMS -------------------
1210  string ofsUAIF_Data_FileName = "../../../../test/simOutFiles/soUAIF_Data.dat";
1211  string ofsUAIF_Meta_FileName = "../../../../test/simOutFiles/soUAIF_Meta.dat";
1212  string ofsUAIF_DLen_FileName = "../../../../test/simOutFiles/soUAIF_DLen.dat";
1213  string ofsUAIF_Gold_Data_FileName = "../../../../test/simOutFiles/soUAIF_Gold_Data.dat";
1214  string ofsUAIF_Gold_Meta_FileName = "../../../../test/simOutFiles/soUAIF_Gold_Meta.dat";
1215  string ofsUAIF_Gold_DLen_FileName = "../../../../test/simOutFiles/soUAIF_Gold_DLen.dat";
1216  vector<string> ofNames;
1217  ofNames.push_back(ofsUAIF_Data_FileName);
1218  ofNames.push_back(ofsUAIF_Meta_FileName);
1219  ofNames.push_back(ofsUAIF_DLen_FileName);
1220  ofstream ofStreams[ofNames.size()]; // Stored in the same order
1222  //-- Remove all previous '.dat' files and open new files
1223  string rmCmd = "rm ../../../../test/simOutFiles/*.dat";
1224  system(rmCmd.c_str());
1225  for (int i = 0; i < ofNames.size(); i++) {
1226  if (not isDatFile(ofNames[i])) {
1227  printError(THIS_NAME, "File \'%s\' is not of type \'DAT\'.\n", ofNames[i].c_str());
1228  nrErr++;
1229  continue;
1230  }
1231  if (!ofStreams[i].is_open()) {
1232  ofStreams[i].open(ofNames[i].c_str(), ofstream::out);
1233  if (!ofStreams[i]) {
1234  printError(THIS_NAME, "Cannot open the file: \'%s\'.\n", ofNames[i].c_str());
1235  nrErr++;
1236  continue;
1237  }
1238  }
1239  }
1241  //-- Create golden Rx files
1242  set<UdpPort> udpDstPorts;
1243  if (createGoldenRxFiles(string(argv[2]), ofsUAIF_Gold_Data_FileName,
1244  ofsUAIF_Gold_Meta_FileName, ofsUAIF_Gold_DLen_FileName, udpDstPorts) != NTS_OK) {
1245  printError(THIS_NAME, "Failed to create golden Rx files. \n");
1246  nrErr++;
1247  }
1249  // Wait until UOE is ready (~2^16 cycles)
1250  bool isReady = false;
1251  do {
1252  #if HLS_VERSION == 2017
1253  uoe_top(
1254  sMMIO_UOE_Enable,
1255  ssUOE_MMIO_DropCnt,
1256  ssUOE_MMIO_Ready,
1257  ssIPRX_UOE_Data,
1258  ssUOE_IPTX_Data,
1259  ssUAIF_UOE_LsnReq,
1260  ssUOE_UAIF_LsnRep,
1261  ssUAIF_UOE_ClsReq,
1262  ssUOE_UAIF_ClsRep,
1263  ssUOE_UAIF_Data,
1264  ssUOE_UAIF_Meta,
1265  ssUOE_UAIF_DLen,
1266  ssUAIF_UOE_Data,
1267  ssUAIF_UOE_Meta,
1268  ssUAIF_UOE_DLen,
1269  ssUOE_ICMP_Data);
1270  #else
1271  uoe_top_wrap(
1272  sMMIO_UOE_Enable,
1273  ssUOE_MMIO_DropCnt,
1274  ssUOE_MMIO_Ready,
1275  ssIPRX_UOE_Data,
1276  ssUOE_IPTX_Data,
1277  ssUAIF_UOE_LsnReq,
1278  ssUOE_UAIF_LsnRep,
1279  ssUAIF_UOE_ClsReq,
1280  ssUOE_UAIF_ClsRep,
1281  ssUOE_UAIF_Data,
1282  ssUOE_UAIF_Meta,
1283  ssUOE_UAIF_DLen,
1284  ssUAIF_UOE_Data,
1285  ssUAIF_UOE_Meta,
1286  ssUAIF_UOE_DLen,
1287  ssUOE_ICMP_Data);
1288  #endif
1289  if (!ssUOE_MMIO_Ready.empty()) {
1290  isReady =;
1291  }
1292  stepSim();
1293  } while (!isReady);
1295  // Request to open a set of UDP ports in listen mode
1296  for (set<UdpPort>::iterator it=udpDstPorts.begin(); it!=udpDstPorts.end(); ++it) {
1297  portToOpen = *it;
1298  ssUAIF_UOE_LsnReq.write(portToOpen);
1299  for (int i=0; i<2; ++i) {
1300  #if HLS_VERSION == 2017
1301  uoe_top(
1302  sMMIO_UOE_Enable,
1303  ssUOE_MMIO_DropCnt,
1304  ssUOE_MMIO_Ready,
1305  ssIPRX_UOE_Data,
1306  ssUOE_IPTX_Data,
1307  ssUAIF_UOE_LsnReq,
1308  ssUOE_UAIF_LsnRep,
1309  ssUAIF_UOE_ClsReq,
1310  ssUOE_UAIF_ClsRep,
1311  ssUOE_UAIF_Data,
1312  ssUOE_UAIF_Meta,
1313  ssUOE_UAIF_DLen,
1314  ssUAIF_UOE_Data,
1315  ssUAIF_UOE_Meta,
1316  ssUAIF_UOE_DLen,
1317  ssUOE_ICMP_Data);
1318  #else
1319  uoe_top_wrap(
1320  sMMIO_UOE_Enable,
1321  ssUOE_MMIO_DropCnt,
1322  ssUOE_MMIO_Ready,
1323  ssIPRX_UOE_Data,
1324  ssUOE_IPTX_Data,
1325  ssUAIF_UOE_LsnReq,
1326  ssUOE_UAIF_LsnRep,
1327  ssUAIF_UOE_ClsReq,
1328  ssUOE_UAIF_ClsRep,
1329  ssUOE_UAIF_Data,
1330  ssUOE_UAIF_Meta,
1331  ssUOE_UAIF_DLen,
1332  ssUAIF_UOE_Data,
1333  ssUAIF_UOE_Meta,
1334  ssUAIF_UOE_DLen,
1335  ssUOE_ICMP_Data);
1336  #endif
1337  stepSim();
1338  }
1339  }
1340  // Check that port were successfully opened
1341  for (set<UdpPort>::iterator it=udpDstPorts.begin(); it!=udpDstPorts.end(); ++it) {
1342  portToOpen = *it;
1343  openReply = false;
1344  if (!ssUOE_UAIF_LsnRep.empty()) {
1345  openReply =;
1346  if (not openReply) {
1347  printError(THIS_NAME, "KO - Failed to open port #%d (0x%4.4X).\n",
1348  portToOpen.to_int(), portToOpen.to_int());
1349  }
1350  }
1351  else {
1352  printError(THIS_NAME, "NoReply - Failed to open port #%d (0x%4.4X).\n",
1353  portToOpen.to_int(), portToOpen.to_int());
1354  nrErr++;
1355  }
1356  }
1358  //-- CREATE IPRX->UOE INPUT TRAFFIC AS A STREAM -----------------------
1359  int nrIPRX_UOE_Chunks = 0;
1360  int nrIPRX_UOE_Packets = 0;
1361  int nrIPRX_UOE_Bytes = 0;
1362  if (feedAxisFromFile(ssIPRX_UOE_Data, "ssIPRX_UOE_Data", string(argv[2]),
1363  nrIPRX_UOE_Chunks, nrIPRX_UOE_Packets, nrIPRX_UOE_Bytes)) {
1364  printInfo(THIS_NAME, "Done with the creation of the Rx input traffic as streams:\n");
1365  printInfo(THIS_NAME, "\tGenerated %d chunks in %d IP packets, for a total of %d bytes.\n\n",
1366  nrIPRX_UOE_Chunks, nrIPRX_UOE_Packets, nrIPRX_UOE_Bytes);
1367  }
1368  else {
1369  printFatal(THIS_NAME, "Failed to create traffic as input stream. \n");
1370  nrErr++;
1371  }
1373  //-- RUN SIMULATION FOR IPRX->UOE INPUT TRAFFIC -----------------------
1374  int tbRun = (nrErr == 0) ? (nrIPRX_UOE_Chunks + TB_GRACE_TIME) : 0;
1375  while (tbRun) {
1376  #if HLS_VERSION == 2017
1377  uoe_top(
1378  sMMIO_UOE_Enable,
1379  ssUOE_MMIO_DropCnt,
1380  ssUOE_MMIO_Ready,
1381  ssIPRX_UOE_Data,
1382  ssUOE_IPTX_Data,
1383  ssUAIF_UOE_LsnReq,
1384  ssUOE_UAIF_LsnRep,
1385  ssUAIF_UOE_ClsReq,
1386  ssUOE_UAIF_ClsRep,
1387  ssUOE_UAIF_Data,
1388  ssUOE_UAIF_Meta,
1389  ssUOE_UAIF_DLen,
1390  ssUAIF_UOE_Data,
1391  ssUAIF_UOE_Meta,
1392  ssUAIF_UOE_DLen,
1393  ssUOE_ICMP_Data);
1394  #else
1395  uoe_top_wrap(
1396  sMMIO_UOE_Enable,
1397  ssUOE_MMIO_DropCnt,
1398  ssUOE_MMIO_Ready,
1399  ssIPRX_UOE_Data,
1400  ssUOE_IPTX_Data,
1401  ssUAIF_UOE_LsnReq,
1402  ssUOE_UAIF_LsnRep,
1403  ssUAIF_UOE_ClsReq,
1404  ssUOE_UAIF_ClsRep,
1405  ssUOE_UAIF_Data,
1406  ssUOE_UAIF_Meta,
1407  ssUOE_UAIF_DLen,
1408  ssUAIF_UOE_Data,
1409  ssUAIF_UOE_Meta,
1410  ssUAIF_UOE_DLen,
1411  ssUOE_ICMP_Data);
1412  #endif
1413  if (!ssUOE_MMIO_Ready.empty()) {
1414  isReady =;
1415  }
1416  tbRun--;
1417  stepSim();
1418  }
1420  printInfo(THIS_NAME, "############################################################################\n");
1421  printInfo(THIS_NAME, "## TESTBENCH 'test_uoe' ENDS HERE ##\n");
1422  printInfo(THIS_NAME, "############################################################################\n");
1423  stepSim();
1425  //-- DRAIN UOE-->UAIF DATA OUTPUT STREAM ------------------------------
1426  int nrUOE_UAIF_DataChunks=0, nrUOE_UAIF_DataGrams=0, nrUOE_UAIF_DataBytes=0;
1427  if (not drainAxisToFile(ssUOE_UAIF_Data, "ssUOE_UAIF_Data",
1428  ofNames[0], nrUOE_UAIF_DataChunks, nrUOE_UAIF_DataGrams, nrUOE_UAIF_DataBytes)) {
1429  printError(THIS_NAME, "Failed to drain UOE-to-UAIF data traffic from DUT. \n");
1430  nrErr++;
1431  }
1432  else {
1433  printInfo(THIS_NAME, "Done with the draining of the UOE-to-UAIF data traffic:\n");
1434  printInfo(THIS_NAME, "\tReceived %d chunks in %d datagrams, for a total of %d bytes.\n\n",
1435  nrUOE_UAIF_DataChunks, nrUOE_UAIF_DataGrams, nrUOE_UAIF_DataBytes);
1436  }
1437  //-- DRAIN UOE-->UAIF META OUTPUT STREAM -------------------------------
1438  int nrUOE_UAIF_MetaChunks=0, nrUOE_UAIF_MetaGrams=0, nrUOE_UAIF_MetaBytes=0;
1439  if (not drainUdpMetaStreamToFile(ssUOE_UAIF_Meta, "ssUOE_UAIF_Meta",
1440  ofNames[1], nrUOE_UAIF_MetaChunks, nrUOE_UAIF_MetaGrams, nrUOE_UAIF_MetaBytes)) {
1441  printError(THIS_NAME, "Failed to drain UOE-to-UAIF meta traffic from DUT. \n");
1442  nrErr++;
1443  }
1444  //-- DRAIN UOE-->UAIF DLEN OUTPUT STREAM -------------------------------
1445  int nrUOE_UAIF_DLenChunks=0, nrUOE_UAIF_DLenGrams=0, nrUOE_UAIF_DLenBytes=0;
1446  if (not drainUdpDLenStreamToFile(ssUOE_UAIF_DLen, "ssUOE_UAIF_DLen",
1447  ofNames[2], nrUOE_UAIF_DLenChunks, nrUOE_UAIF_DLenGrams, nrUOE_UAIF_DLenBytes)) {
1448  printError(THIS_NAME, "Failed to drain UOE-to-UAIF dlen traffic from DUT. \n");
1449  nrErr++;
1450  }
1451  //-- DRAIN UOE-->MMIO RX DROP COUNTER STREAM ---------------------------
1452  if (not drainMmioDropCounter(ssUOE_MMIO_DropCnt, "ssUOE_MMIO_DropCnt")) {
1453  printError(THIS_NAME, "Failed to drain UOE-to-MMIO drop counter from DUT. \n");
1454  nrErr++;
1455  }
1457  //---------------------------------------------------------------
1459  //---------------------------------------------------------------
1460  int res = system(("diff --brief -w " + \
1461  std::string(ofsUAIF_Data_FileName) + " " + \
1462  std::string(ofsUAIF_Gold_Data_FileName) + " ").c_str());
1463  if (res) {
1464  printError(THIS_NAME, "File \'%s\' does not match \'%s\'.\n", \
1465  ofsUAIF_Data_FileName.c_str(), ofsUAIF_Gold_Data_FileName.c_str());
1466  nrErr += 1;
1467  }
1468  res = system(("diff --brief -w " + \
1469  std::string(ofsUAIF_Meta_FileName) + " " + \
1470  std::string(ofsUAIF_Gold_Meta_FileName) + " ").c_str());
1471  if (res) {
1472  printError(THIS_NAME, "File \'%s\' does not match \'%s\'.\n", \
1473  ofsUAIF_Meta_FileName.c_str(), ofsUAIF_Gold_Meta_FileName.c_str());
1474  nrErr += 1;
1475  }
1476  res = system(("diff --brief -w " + \
1477  std::string(ofsUAIF_DLen_FileName) + " " + \
1478  std::string(ofsUAIF_Gold_DLen_FileName) + " ").c_str());
1479  if (res) {
1480  printError(THIS_NAME, "File \'%s\' does not match \'%s\'.\n", \
1481  ofsUAIF_DLen_FileName.c_str(), ofsUAIF_Gold_DLen_FileName.c_str());
1482  nrErr += 1;
1483  }
1485  } // End-of: if (tbMode == RX_MODE)
1487  else if ((tbMode == TX_DGRM_MODE) or (tbMode == TX_STRM_MODE)) {
1488  //---------------------------------------------------------------
1489  //-- TX_MODE: Read in the test input data for the UAIF side.
1490  //---------------------------------------------------------------
1491  printInfo(THIS_NAME, "== TX-TEST : Send UDP datagram traffic to DUT.\n");
1493  ofstream ofsIPTX_Data;
1494  string ofsIPTX_Data_FileName = "../../../../test/simOutFiles/soIPTX_Data.dat";
1495  string ofsIPTX_Gold_FileName = "../../../../test/simOutFiles/soIPTX_Gold.dat";
1497  //-- Remove all previous 'dat' files and open a new file
1498  if (not isDatFile(ofsIPTX_Data_FileName)) {
1499  printFatal(THIS_NAME, "File \'%s\' is not of type \'DAT\'.\n", ofsIPTX_Data_FileName.c_str());
1500  }
1501  else {
1502  string rmCmd = "rm ../../../../test/simOutFiles/*.dat";
1503  system(rmCmd.c_str());
1504  if (!ofsIPTX_Data.is_open()) {
1505, ofstream::out);
1506  if (!ofsIPTX_Data) {
1507  printError(THIS_NAME, "Cannot open the file: \'%s\'.\n", ofsIPTX_Data_FileName.c_str());
1508  nrErr++;
1509  }
1510  }
1511  }
1513  //-- CREATE THE GOLDEN UOE->IPTX OUTPUT FILES -------------------------
1514  queue<UdpAppMeta> udpAppMeta;
1515  queue<UdpAppDLen> updDataLengths;
1516  if (not createGoldenTxFiles(string(argv[2]), ofsIPTX_Gold_FileName,
1517  udpAppMeta, updDataLengths, tbMode)) {
1518  printFatal(THIS_NAME, "Failed to create golden UOE->IPTX file. \n");
1519  }
1522  int nrUAIF_UOE_Chunks=0;
1523  if (not createUdpTxTraffic(ssUAIF_UOE_Data, "ssUAIF_UOE_Data",
1524  ssUAIF_UOE_Meta, "ssUAIF_UOE_Meta",
1525  ssUAIF_UOE_DLen, "ssUAIF_UOE_DLen",
1526  string(argv[2]),
1527  udpAppMeta,
1528  updDataLengths,
1529  nrUAIF_UOE_Chunks)) {
1530  printFatal(THIS_NAME, "Failed to create the UAIF->UOE traffic as streams.\n");
1531  }
1533  //-- RUN SIMULATION ---------------------------------------------------
1534  int tbRun = (nrErr == 0) ? (nrUAIF_UOE_Chunks + TB_GRACE_TIME) : 0;
1535  while (tbRun) {
1536  #if HLS_VERSION == 2017
1537  uoe_top(
1538  sMMIO_UOE_Enable,
1539  ssUOE_MMIO_DropCnt,
1540  ssUOE_MMIO_Ready,
1541  ssIPRX_UOE_Data,
1542  ssUOE_IPTX_Data,
1543  ssUAIF_UOE_LsnReq,
1544  ssUOE_UAIF_LsnRep,
1545  ssUAIF_UOE_ClsReq,
1546  ssUOE_UAIF_ClsRep,
1547  ssUOE_UAIF_Data,
1548  ssUOE_UAIF_Meta,
1549  ssUOE_UAIF_DLen,
1550  ssUAIF_UOE_Data,
1551  ssUAIF_UOE_Meta,
1552  ssUAIF_UOE_DLen,
1553  ssUOE_ICMP_Data);
1554  #else
1555  uoe_top_wrap(
1556  sMMIO_UOE_Enable,
1557  ssUOE_MMIO_DropCnt,
1558  ssUOE_MMIO_Ready,
1559  ssIPRX_UOE_Data,
1560  ssUOE_IPTX_Data,
1561  ssUAIF_UOE_LsnReq,
1562  ssUOE_UAIF_LsnRep,
1563  ssUAIF_UOE_ClsReq,
1564  ssUOE_UAIF_ClsRep,
1565  ssUOE_UAIF_Data,
1566  ssUOE_UAIF_Meta,
1567  ssUOE_UAIF_DLen,
1568  ssUAIF_UOE_Data,
1569  ssUAIF_UOE_Meta,
1570  ssUAIF_UOE_DLen,
1571  ssUOE_ICMP_Data);
1572  #endif
1573  tbRun--;
1574  stepSim();
1575  }
1577  printInfo(THIS_NAME, "############################################################################\n");
1578  printInfo(THIS_NAME, "## TESTBENCH 'test_uoe' ENDS HERE ##\n");
1579  printInfo(THIS_NAME, "############################################################################\n");
1580  stepSim();
1582  //-- DRAIN UOE-->IPTX DATA OUTPUT STREAM -----------------------------
1583  int nrUOE_IPTX_Chunks=0, nrUOE_IPTX_Packets=0, nrUOE_IPTX_Bytes=0;
1584  if (not drainAxisToFile(ssUOE_IPTX_Data, "ssUOE_IPTX_Data",
1585  ofsIPTX_Data_FileName, nrUOE_IPTX_Chunks, nrUOE_IPTX_Packets, nrUOE_IPTX_Bytes)) {
1586  printError(THIS_NAME, "Failed to drain UOE-to-IPTX data traffic from DUT. \n");
1587  nrErr++;
1588  }
1589  else {
1590  printInfo(THIS_NAME, "Done with the draining of the UOE-to-IPTX data traffic:\n");
1591  printInfo(THIS_NAME, "\tReceived %d chunks in %d packets, for a total of %d bytes.\n\n",
1592  nrUOE_IPTX_Chunks, nrUOE_IPTX_Packets, nrUOE_IPTX_Bytes);
1593  }
1595  //---------------------------------------------------------------
1597  //---------------------------------------------------------------
1598  int res = myDiffTwoFiles(std::string(ofsIPTX_Data_FileName),
1599  std::string(ofsIPTX_Gold_FileName));
1600  if (res) {
1601  printError(THIS_NAME, "File \'%s\' does not match \'%s\'.\n", \
1602  ofsIPTX_Data_FileName.c_str(), ofsIPTX_Gold_FileName.c_str());
1603  nrErr += 1;
1604  }
1606  } // End-of: if (tbMode == TX_MODE)
1608  else if (tbMode == DROP_MODE) {
1610  //---------------------------------------------------------------
1611  //-- DROP_MODE: This run will feed the UOE with input data for
1612  //-- the IPRX side but will expect all the traffic to be
1613  //-- dropped because the UOE is disabled or because the ROLE
1614  //-- does not drain the UOE.
1615  //---------------------------------------------------------------
1616  if (0) {
1617  printInfo(THIS_NAME, "== DROP-MODE : Fill up UOE with IPv4 traffic and expect packets to be dropped.\n");
1618  }
1619  else {
1621  printInfo(THIS_NAME, "== DISABLE-MODE : Send IPv4 traffic to the disabled UOE.\n");
1622  sMMIO_UOE_Enable = CMD_DISABLE;
1623  }
1625  //-- CREATE DUT OUTPUT TRAFFIC AS STREAMS -------------------
1626  string ofsUAIF_Data_FileName = "../../../../test/simOutFiles/soUAIF_Data.dat";
1627  string ofsUAIF_Meta_FileName = "../../../../test/simOutFiles/soUAIF_Meta.dat";
1628  string ofsUAIF_DLen_FileName = "../../../../test/simOutFiles/soUAIF_DLen.dat";
1629  string ofsUAIF_Gold_Data_FileName = "../../../../test/simOutFiles/soUAIF_Gold_Data.dat";
1630  string ofsUAIF_Gold_Meta_FileName = "../../../../test/simOutFiles/soUAIF_Gold_Meta.dat";
1631  string ofsUAIF_Gold_DLen_FileName = "../../../../test/simOutFiles/soUAIF_Gold_DLen.dat";
1632  vector<string> ofNames;
1633  ofNames.push_back(ofsUAIF_Data_FileName);
1634  ofNames.push_back(ofsUAIF_Meta_FileName);
1635  ofNames.push_back(ofsUAIF_DLen_FileName);
1636  ofstream ofStreams[ofNames.size()]; // Stored in the same order
1638  //-- Remove all previous '.dat' files and open new files
1639  string rmCmd = "rm ../../../../test/simOutFiles/*.dat";
1640  system(rmCmd.c_str());
1641  for (int i = 0; i < ofNames.size(); i++) {
1642  if (not isDatFile(ofNames[i])) {
1643  printError(THIS_NAME, "File \'%s\' is not of type \'DAT\'.\n", ofNames[i].c_str());
1644  nrErr++;
1645  continue;
1646  }
1647  if (!ofStreams[i].is_open()) {
1648  ofStreams[i].open(ofNames[i].c_str(), ofstream::out);
1649  if (!ofStreams[i]) {
1650  printError(THIS_NAME, "Cannot open the file: \'%s\'.\n", ofNames[i].c_str());
1651  nrErr++;
1652  continue;
1653  }
1654  }
1655  }
1657  //-- Create empty golden Rx files
1658  string touchCmd;
1659  touchCmd = "touch " + ofsUAIF_Gold_Data_FileName;
1660  system(touchCmd.c_str());
1661  touchCmd = "touch " + ofsUAIF_Gold_Meta_FileName;
1662  system(touchCmd.c_str());
1663  touchCmd = "touch " + ofsUAIF_Gold_DLen_FileName;
1664  system(touchCmd.c_str());
1666  //-- CREATE IPRX->UOE INPUT TRAFFIC AS A STREAM -----------------------
1667  int nrIPRX_UOE_Chunks = 0;
1668  int nrIPRX_UOE_Packets = 0;
1669  int nrIPRX_UOE_Bytes = 0;
1670  if (feedAxisFromFile(ssIPRX_UOE_Data, "ssIPRX_UOE_Data", string(argv[2]),
1671  nrIPRX_UOE_Chunks, nrIPRX_UOE_Packets, nrIPRX_UOE_Bytes)) {
1672  printInfo(THIS_NAME, "Done with the creation of the Rx input traffic as streams:\n");
1673  printInfo(THIS_NAME, "\tGenerated %d chunks in %d IP packets, for a total of %d bytes.\n\n",
1674  nrIPRX_UOE_Chunks, nrIPRX_UOE_Packets, nrIPRX_UOE_Bytes);
1675  }
1676  else {
1677  printFatal(THIS_NAME, "Failed to create traffic as input stream. \n");
1678  nrErr++;
1679  }
1681  //-- RUN SIMULATION FOR IPRX->UOE INPUT TRAFFIC -----------------------
1682  int tbRun = (nrErr == 0) ? (nrIPRX_UOE_Chunks + TB_GRACE_TIME) : 0;
1683  while (tbRun) {
1684  #if HLS_VERSION == 2017
1685  uoe_top(
1686  sMMIO_UOE_Enable,
1687  ssUOE_MMIO_DropCnt,
1688  ssUOE_MMIO_Ready,
1689  ssIPRX_UOE_Data,
1690  ssUOE_IPTX_Data,
1691  ssUAIF_UOE_LsnReq,
1692  ssUOE_UAIF_LsnRep,
1693  ssUAIF_UOE_ClsReq,
1694  ssUOE_UAIF_ClsRep,
1695  ssUOE_UAIF_Data,
1696  ssUOE_UAIF_Meta,
1697  ssUOE_UAIF_DLen,
1698  ssUAIF_UOE_Data,
1699  ssUAIF_UOE_Meta,
1700  ssUAIF_UOE_DLen,
1701  ssUOE_ICMP_Data);
1702  #else
1703  uoe_top_wrap(
1704  sMMIO_UOE_Enable,
1705  ssUOE_MMIO_DropCnt,
1706  ssUOE_MMIO_Ready,
1707  ssIPRX_UOE_Data,
1708  ssUOE_IPTX_Data,
1709  ssUAIF_UOE_LsnReq,
1710  ssUOE_UAIF_LsnRep,
1711  ssUAIF_UOE_ClsReq,
1712  ssUOE_UAIF_ClsRep,
1713  ssUOE_UAIF_Data,
1714  ssUOE_UAIF_Meta,
1715  ssUOE_UAIF_DLen,
1716  ssUAIF_UOE_Data,
1717  ssUAIF_UOE_Meta,
1718  ssUAIF_UOE_DLen,
1719  ssUOE_ICMP_Data);
1720  #endif
1721  if (!ssUOE_MMIO_Ready.empty()) {
1723  }
1724  tbRun--;
1725  stepSim();
1726  }
1728  printInfo(THIS_NAME, "############################################################################\n");
1729  printInfo(THIS_NAME, "## TESTBENCH 'test_uoe' ENDS HERE ##\n");
1730  printInfo(THIS_NAME, "############################################################################\n");
1731  stepSim();
1733  //-- DRAIN UOE-->MMIO RX DROP COUNTER STREAM ---------------------------
1734  if (not drainMmioDropCounter(ssUOE_MMIO_DropCnt, "ssUOE_MMIO_DropCnt")) {
1735  printError(THIS_NAME, "Failed to drain UOE-to-MMIO drop counter from DUT. \n");
1736  nrErr++;
1737  }
1739  //---------------------------------------------------------------
1741  //---------------------------------------------------------------
1742  int res = system(("diff --brief -w " + \
1743  std::string(ofsUAIF_Data_FileName) + " " + \
1744  std::string(ofsUAIF_Gold_Data_FileName) + " ").c_str());
1745  if (res) {
1746  printError(THIS_NAME, "File \'%s\' does not match \'%s\'.\n", \
1747  ofsUAIF_Data_FileName.c_str(), ofsUAIF_Gold_Data_FileName.c_str());
1748  nrErr += 1;
1749  }
1750  res = system(("diff --brief -w " + \
1751  std::string(ofsUAIF_Meta_FileName) + " " + \
1752  std::string(ofsUAIF_Gold_Meta_FileName) + " ").c_str());
1753  if (res) {
1754  printError(THIS_NAME, "File \'%s\' does not match \'%s\'.\n", \
1755  ofsUAIF_Meta_FileName.c_str(), ofsUAIF_Gold_Meta_FileName.c_str());
1756  nrErr += 1;
1757  }
1758  res = system(("diff --brief -w " + \
1759  std::string(ofsUAIF_DLen_FileName) + " " + \
1760  std::string(ofsUAIF_Gold_DLen_FileName) + " ").c_str());
1761  if (res) {
1762  printError(THIS_NAME, "File \'%s\' does not match \'%s\'.\n", \
1763  ofsUAIF_DLen_FileName.c_str(), ofsUAIF_Gold_DLen_FileName.c_str());
1764  nrErr += 1;
1765  }
1766  } // End-of: if (tbMode == DROP_MODE)
1768  else {
1769  nrErr = 1;
1770  printFatal(THIS_NAME, "The test mode (%c) is not yet implemented...\n", tbMode);
1771  }
1773  //---------------------------------------------------------------
1775  //---------------------------------------------------------------
1776  printf("\n\n");
1777  printInfo(THIS_NAME, "This testbench was executed with the following parameters: \n");
1778  printInfo(THIS_NAME, "\t==> TB Mode = %c\n", *argv[1]);
1779  for (int i=2; i<argc; i++) {
1780  printInfo(THIS_NAME, "\t==> Param[%d] = %s\n", (i-1), argv[i]);
1781  }
1783  if (nrErr) {
1784  printError(THIS_NAME, "###########################################################\n");
1785  printError(THIS_NAME, "#### TEST BENCH FAILED : TOTAL NUMBER OF ERROR(S) = %2d ####\n", nrErr);
1786  printError(THIS_NAME, "###########################################################\n\n");
1788  printInfo(THIS_NAME, "FYI - You may want to check for \'ERROR\' and/or \'WARNING\' alarms in the LOG file...\n\n");
1789  }
1790  else {
1791  printInfo(THIS_NAME, "#############################################################\n");
1792  printInfo(THIS_NAME, "#### SUCCESSFUL END OF TEST ####\n");
1793  printInfo(THIS_NAME, "#############################################################\n");
1794  }
1796  return nrErr;
1797 }
bool StsBool
Definition: nal.hpp:246
unsigned int gSimCycCnt
Definition: tb_nal.cpp:150
Definition: test_arp.hpp:54
bool drainAxisToFile(stream< AXIS_T > &ss, const string ssName, string datFile, int &nrChunks, int &nrFrames, int &nrBytes)
Empty an Axi4-Stream (Axis) to a DAT file.
int myDiffTwoFiles(string dataFileName, string goldFileName)
Compares 2 files line-by-line, up to length of the 2nd file.
int createGoldenTxFiles(string inpData_FileName, string outData_GoldName, queue< UdpAppMeta > &udpMetaQueue, queue< UdpAppDLen > &updDLenQueue, char tbMode)
Create the golden IPTX reference file from an input UAIF test file.
Definition: test_uoe.cpp:381
void uoe_top_wrap(CmdBit piMMIO_En, stream< ap_uint< 16 > > &soMMIO_DropCnt, stream< StsBool > &soMMIO_Ready, stream< AxisIp4 > &siIPRX_Data, stream< AxisIp4 > &soIPTX_Data, stream< UdpAppLsnReq > &siUAIF_LsnReq, stream< UdpAppLsnRep > &soUAIF_LsnRep, stream< UdpAppClsReq > &siUAIF_ClsReq, stream< UdpAppClsRep > &soUAIF_ClsRep, stream< UdpAppData > &soUAIF_Data, stream< UdpAppMeta > &soUAIF_Meta, stream< UdpAppDLen > &soUAIF_DLen, stream< UdpAppData > &siUAIF_Data, stream< UdpAppMeta > &siUAIF_Meta, stream< UdpAppDLen > &siUAIF_DLen, stream< AxisIcmp > &soICMP_Data)
A wrapper for the Toplevel of the UDP Offload Engine (UOE)
Definition: test_uoe.cpp:710
bool drainUdpDLenStreamToFile(stream< UdpAppDLen > &ss, string ssName, string datFile, int &nrChunks, int &nrFrames, int &nrBytes)
Empty an UdpDLen stream to a DAT file.
Definition: test_uoe.cpp:142
bool drainMmioDropCounter(stream< ap_uint< 16 > > &ss, string ssName)
Empty the DropCounter stream and throw it away.
Definition: test_uoe.cpp:201
void stepSim()
Increment the simulation counter.
Definition: test_uoe.cpp:51
int createGoldenRxFiles(string inpData_FileName, string outData_GoldName, string outMeta_GoldName, string outDLen_GoldName, set< UdpPort > &udpPorts)
Create the golden Rx APP reference files from an input IPRX test file.
Definition: test_uoe.cpp:516
bool drainUdpMetaStreamToFile(stream< UdpAppMeta > &ss, string ssName, string datFile, int &nrChunks, int &nrFrames, int &nrBytes)
Empty an UdpMeta stream to a DAT file.
Definition: test_uoe.cpp:74
int createUdpTxTraffic(stream< AxisApp > &ssData, const string ssDataName, stream< UdpAppMeta > &ssMeta, const string ssMetaName, stream< UdpAppDLen > &ssDLen, const string ssDLenName, string datFile, queue< UdpAppMeta > &metaQueue, queue< UdpAppDLen > &dlenQueue, int &nrFeededChunks)
Create the UDP Tx traffic as streams from an input test file.
Definition: test_uoe.cpp:235
void uoe_top(CmdBit piMMIO_En, stream< ap_uint< 16 > > &soMMIO_DropCnt, stream< StsBool > &soMMIO_Ready, stream< AxisRaw > &siIPRX_Data, stream< AxisRaw > &soIPTX_Data, stream< UdpAppLsnReq > &siUAIF_LsnReq, stream< UdpAppLsnRep > &soUAIF_LsnRep, stream< UdpAppClsReq > &siUAIF_ClsReq, stream< UdpAppClsRep > &soUAIF_ClsRep, stream< UdpAppData > &soUAIF_Data, stream< UdpAppMeta > &soUAIF_Meta, stream< UdpAppDLen > &soUAIF_DLen, stream< UdpAppData > &siUAIF_Data, stream< UdpAppMeta > &siUAIF_Meta, stream< UdpAppDLen > &siUAIF_DLen, stream< AxisRaw > &soICMP_Data)
Top of UDP Offload Engine (UOE)
Definition: uoe.cpp:2042
void printAxisRaw(const char *callerName, AxisRaw chunk)
Prints an Axis raw data chunk (used for debugging).
Definition: nts_utils.cpp:46
Definition: nts_types.hpp:64
#define CMD_ENABLE
Definition: nts_types.hpp:63
ap_uint< 1 > CmdBit
Definition: nts_types.hpp:108
Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ readDatagramFromFile()

bool readDatagramFromFile ( const char *  myName,
SimUdpDatagram appDatagram,
ifstream &  ifsData,
UdpAppMeta udpAppMeta,
queue< UdpAppMeta > &  udpMetaQueue,
queue< UdpAppDLen > &  updDLenQueue,
int &  inpChunks,
int &  inpDgrms,
int &  inpBytes,
char  tbMode 

Read a datagram from a DAT file.

[in]myNameThe name of the caller process.
[in]appDatagramA reference to the datagram to read.
[in]ifsDataThe input file stream to read from.
[in]udpAppMetaA ref to the current active socket pair.
[out]udpMetaQueueA ref to a container queue which holds a sequence of UDP socket-pairs.
[out]udpDLenQueueA ref to a container queue which holds a sequence of UDP data packet lengths.
[out]inpChunksA ref to the number of processed chunks.
[out]inptDgrmsA ref to the number of processed datagrams.
[out]inpBytesA ref to the number of processed bytes.
[in]tbModeThe TB testing mode.
true if successful, otherwise false.

Definition at line 297 of file test_uoe.cpp.

300  {
302  string stringBuffer;
303  vector<string> stringVector;
304  //SockAddr hostLsnSock;
305  //SockAddr fpgaSndSock;
306  UdpAppData udpAppData;
307  int currDgrmLenght=0;
308  bool endOfDgm=false;
309  bool rc;
311  do {
312  //-- Read one line at a time from the input test DAT file
313  getline(ifsData, stringBuffer);
314  stringVector = myTokenizer(stringBuffer, ' ');
315  //-- Read the Host Listen Socket Address from line (if present)
316  SockAddr hostSockAddr;
317  rc = readHostSocketFromLine(hostSockAddr, stringBuffer);
318  if (rc) {
319  udpAppMeta.ip4DstAddr = hostSockAddr.addr;
320  udpAppMeta.udpDstPort = hostSockAddr.port;
322  printInfo(myName, "Read a new HOST socket address from DAT file:\n");
323  printSockAddr(myName, hostSockAddr);
324  }
325  }
326  //-- Read the Fpga Send Port from line (if present)
327  rc = readFpgaSndPortFromLine(udpAppMeta.udpSrcPort, stringBuffer);
328  if (rc) {
330  printInfo(myName, "Read a new FPGA send port from DAT file:\n");
331  printSockAddr(myName, SockAddr(udpAppMeta.ip4SrcAddr, udpAppMeta.udpSrcPort));
332  }
333  }
334  //-- Read an AxisChunk from line
335  rc = readAxisRawFromLine(udpAppData, stringBuffer);
336  if (rc) {
337  appDatagram.pushChunk(AxisUdp(udpAppData.getLE_TData(),
338  udpAppData.getLE_TKeep(),
339  udpAppData.getLE_TLast()));
340  inpChunks++;
341  currDgrmLenght += udpAppData.getLen();
342  inpBytes += udpAppData.getLen();
343  if (udpAppData.getLE_TLast() == 1) {
344  inpDgrms++;
345  endOfDgm = true;
346  udpMetaQueue.push(udpAppMeta);
347  if (tbMode == TX_DGRM_MODE) {
348  // In normal datagram mode, the length of the incoming frame
349  // is indicated by the value written in the 'DLen' interface.
350  updDLenQueue.push(currDgrmLenght);
351  }
352  else if (tbMode == TX_STRM_MODE) {
353  // Writing a zero length in the 'DLen' interface will turn
354  // the UOE into datagram streaming mode. This means that the
355  // end of the incoming data stream is solely indicated by
356  // the TLAST bit being set.
357  updDLenQueue.push(0);
358  }
359  else
360  printFatal(THIS_NAME, "Invalid TX test mode (%c). \n", tbMode);
361  }
362  }
363  } while ((ifsData.peek() != EOF) && (!endOfDgm));
365  return endOfDgm;
366 }
LE_tKeep getLE_TKeep(int leHi=64/8-1, int leLo=0) const
Definition: AxisRaw.hpp:264
void pushChunk(AxisUdp udpChunk)
Ip4Addr addr
Definition: nts_types.hpp:209
Ly4Port port
Definition: nts_types.hpp:210
bool readHostSocketFromLine(SockAddr &hostSock, string stringBuffer)
Retrieve a Host socket from a string.
bool readAxisRawFromLine(AxisRaw &axisRaw, string stringBuffer)
Retrieve an AxisRaw chunk from a string.
vector< string > myTokenizer(string strBuff, char delimiter)
Brakes a string into tokens by using the 'delimiter' character.
bool readFpgaSndPortFromLine(Ly4Port &port, string stringBuffer)
Retrieve an FPGA send port from a string.
#define TRACE_CGTF
Definition: test_uoe.cpp:43
void printSockAddr(const char *callerName, SockAddr sockAddr)
Print a socket address.
Definition: nts_utils.cpp:174
Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ stepSim()

void stepSim ( )

Increment the simulation counter.

Definition at line 51 of file test_uoe.cpp.

51  {
52  gSimCycCnt++;
53  if (gTraceEvent || ((gSimCycCnt % 1000) == 0)) {
54  printInfo(THIS_NAME, "-- [@%4.4d] -----------------------------\n", gSimCycCnt);
55  gTraceEvent = false;
56  }
57  else if (0) {
58  printInfo(THIS_NAME, "------------------- [@%d] ------------\n", gSimCycCnt);
59  }
60 }
bool gTraceEvent
Definition: tb_nal.cpp:151
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ uoe_top_wrap()

void uoe_top_wrap ( CmdBit  piMMIO_En,
stream< ap_uint< 16 > > &  soMMIO_DropCnt,
stream< StsBool > &  soMMIO_Ready,
stream< AxisIp4 > &  siIPRX_Data,
stream< AxisIp4 > &  soIPTX_Data,
stream< UdpAppLsnReq > &  siUAIF_LsnReq,
stream< UdpAppLsnRep > &  soUAIF_LsnRep,
stream< UdpAppClsReq > &  siUAIF_ClsReq,
stream< UdpAppClsRep > &  soUAIF_ClsRep,
stream< UdpAppData > &  soUAIF_Data,
stream< UdpAppMeta > &  soUAIF_Meta,
stream< UdpAppDLen > &  soUAIF_DLen,
stream< UdpAppData > &  siUAIF_Data,
stream< UdpAppMeta > &  siUAIF_Meta,
stream< UdpAppDLen > &  siUAIF_DLen,
stream< AxisIcmp > &  soICMP_Data 

A wrapper for the Toplevel of the UDP Offload Engine (UOE)

[in]piMMIO_EnEnable signal from [SHELL/MMIO].
[out]poMMIO_DropCntRx drop counter to [SHELL/MMIO].
[out]soMMIO_ReadyUOE ready stream to [SHELL/MMIO].
[in]siIPRX_DataIP4 data stream from IpRxHAndler (IPRX).
[out]soIPTX_DataIP4 data stream to IpTxHandler (IPTX).
[in]siUAIF_LsnReqUDP open port request from UdpAppInterface (UAIF).
[out]soUAIF_LsnRepUDP open port reply to UAIF.
[in]siUAIF_ClsReqUDP close port request from [UAIF].
[out]soUAIF_ClsRepUDP close port reply to UAIF.
[out]soUAIF_DataUDP data stream to [UAIF].
[out]soUAIF_MetaUDP metadata stream to [UAIF].
[in]siUAIF_DataUDP data stream from [UAIF].
[in]siUAIF_MetaUDP metadata stream from [UAIF].
[in]siUAIF_DLenUDP data length form [UAIF].
[out]soICMP_DataData stream to [ICMP].

This process is a wrapper for the 'uoe_top' entity. It instantiates such an entity and further connects it with base 'AxisRaw' streams as expected by the 'uoe_top'.

Definition at line 710 of file test_uoe.cpp.

734 {
735  //-- LOCAL INPUT and OUTPUT STREAMS -------------------
736  static stream<AxisRaw> ssiIPRX_Data("ssiIPRX_Data");
737  static stream<AxisRaw> ssoIPTX_Data("ssoIPTX_Data");
738  static stream<AxisRaw> ssoICMP_Data("ssoICMP_Data");
740  //-- INPUT STREAM CASTING -----------------------------
741  pAxisRawCast(siIPRX_Data, ssiIPRX_Data);
743  //-- MAIN IPRX_TOP PROCESS ----------------------------
744  uoe_top(
745  piMMIO_En,
746  soMMIO_DropCnt,
747  soMMIO_Ready,
748  ssiIPRX_Data,
749  ssoIPTX_Data,
750  siUAIF_LsnReq,
751  soUAIF_LsnRep,
752  siUAIF_ClsReq,
753  soUAIF_ClsRep,
754  soUAIF_Data,
755  soUAIF_Meta,
756  soUAIF_DLen,
757  siUAIF_Data,
758  siUAIF_Meta,
759  siUAIF_DLen,
760  ssoICMP_Data);
762  //-- OUTPUT STREAM CASTING ----------------------------
763  pAxisRawCast(ssoIPTX_Data, soIPTX_Data);
764  pAxisRawCast(ssoICMP_Data, soICMP_Data);
765  }
void pAxisRawCast(hls::stream< TypeIn > &si, hls::stream< TypeOut > &so)
AxisRaw cast - Casts an AxisRaw stream to/from an AxisRaw derived class.
Definition: AxisRaw.hpp:148
Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

Variable Documentation

◆ gFatalError

bool gFatalError = false

Definition at line 55 of file test_uoe.hpp.

◆ gMaxSimCycles

unsigned int gMaxSimCycles = 0 + 250000

Definition at line 57 of file test_uoe.hpp.

◆ gSimCycCnt

unsigned int gSimCycCnt = 0


Definition at line 56 of file test_uoe.hpp.

◆ gTraceEvent

bool gTraceEvent = false


Definition at line 54 of file test_uoe.hpp.