cloudFPGA (cF) API  1.0
The documentation of the source code of cloudFPGA (cF)
Go to the documentation of this file.
32 #include <stdio.h>
33 #include <iostream> // For cout and cerr
34 #include <cstdlib> // For atoi()
35 #include <assert.h> // For assert()
36 #include <string> // For to_string
37 #include <string.h>
38 #include <sstream>
39 #include "../../../../../PracticalSockets/src/PracticalSockets.h" // For UDPSocket and SocketException
40 #include "../include/config.h"
41 #include "../include/common.hpp"
44 //20 for EMULATION (2^20 == 1MB) 33 --> 8 GB
51 #ifdef PY_WRAP
52 int memtest(char *s_servAddress, char *s_servPort, char *input_str, char *output_str, bool net_type)
53 {
54 #else
59 int main(int argc, char *argv[])
60 {
61  if ((argc < 3) || (argc > 7)) { // Test for correct number of arguments
62  cerr << "Usage: " << argv[0] << " <Server> <Server Port> <number of address to test> <testing times> <burst size> <optional list/interactive mode (type list or nothing)>\n";
63  exit(1);
64  }
65 #endif
66  cout << argc << endl;
68  //------------------------------------------------------
69  //-- STEP-1 : Socket and variables definition
70  //------------------------------------------------------
72  #ifndef PY_WRAP
73  assert (argc >= 6);
74  string s_servAddress = argv[1]; // First arg: server address
75  char *s_servPort = argv[2];
76  bool net_type = NET_TYPE;
77  #endif
79  string servAddress = s_servAddress;
80  unsigned short servPort;
81  if (net_type == udp) {
82  servPort = Socket::resolveService(s_servPort, "udp");
83  }
84  else if (net_type == tcp) {
85  servPort = atoi(s_servPort);
86  }
87  else {
88  cout << "ERROR: Invalid type of socket type provided: " << net_type << " Choosed one of (tcp=0 or udp=1)" << endl;
89  }
91  char buffer[BUF_LEN]; // Buffer for echo string
92  unsigned int recvMsgSize; // Size of received message
93  unsigned int num_frame = 0;
94  std::string input_string;
95  std::string strInput_memaddrUT;
96  std::string strInput_nmbrTest;
97  std::string strInput_burstSize;
99  std::string strInput_listMode;
101  unsigned long long int memory_addr_under_test=0;
102  unsigned int testingNumber = 1;
103  unsigned int burst_size = 1;
104  //UDPSocket *udpsock_p;
105  //TCPSocket *tcpsock_p;
109  try {
113  //------------------------------------------------------
114  //-- STEP-2 : Initialize socket connection
115  //------------------------------------------------------
119  #if NET_TYPE == udp
120  #ifndef TB_SIM_CFP_VITIS
121  UDPSocket udpsock(servPort); // NOTE: It is very important to set port here in order to call
122  // bind() in the UDPSocket constructor
123  #else // TB_SIM_CFP_VITIS
124  UDPSocket udpsock; // NOTE: In HOST TB the port is already binded by memtest_host_fwd_tb.cpp
125  #endif // TB_SIM_CFP_VITIS
126  // udpsock_p = &udpsock;
127  #else // tcp
128  TCPSocket tcpsock(servAddress, servPort);
129  // tcpsock_p = &tcpsock;
130  #endif // udp/tcp
132  //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
133  //-- STEP-3 : Create a string from input argument
134  //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
135  #ifdef PY_WRAP
136  input_string.assign(input_str); //TBC
137  #else
138  strInput_memaddrUT.assign(argv[3]);
139  strInput_nmbrTest.assign(argv[4]);
140  strInput_burstSize.assign(argv[5]);
141  #endif
142  // memory_addr_under_test = stoull(strInput_memaddrUT);
143  // testingNumber = stoul(strInput_nmbrTest);
144  // burst_size = stoul(strInput_burstSize);
146  try{
147  memory_addr_under_test = stoull(strInput_memaddrUT);
148  } catch (const std::exception& e) {
149  std::cerr << e.what() << '\n';
150  cout << "WARNING something bad happened in the insertion, hence default used" << endl;
151  memory_addr_under_test = 64;
152  }
153  if(memory_addr_under_test > MAX_TESTABLE_ADDRESS || memory_addr_under_test<=0){
154  cout << "WARNING the address inserted is not allowed, hence default use" << endl;
155  memory_addr_under_test = 64;
156  strInput_memaddrUT.assign(to_string(memory_addr_under_test));
157  }
158  unsigned int max_testingNumber = ((int) pow(2,MAX_TEST_REPETITION_BITWIDTH) - 1);
159  try{
160  testingNumber = stoul(strInput_nmbrTest);
161  } catch (const std::exception& e) {
162  std::cerr << e.what() << '\n';
163  cout << "WARNING something bad happened in the insertion, hence default used" << endl;
164  testingNumber = 2;
165  }
166  if(testingNumber > max_testingNumber || testingNumber<=0){
167  cout << "WARNING the repetition inserted is not allowed, hence default use" << endl;
168  testingNumber = 2;
169  strInput_nmbrTest.assign(to_string(testingNumber));
170  }
171  try{
172  burst_size = stoul(strInput_burstSize);
173  } catch (const std::exception& e) {
174  std::cerr << e.what() << '\n';
175  cout << "WARNING something bad happened in the insertion, hence default used" << endl;
176  burst_size = 16;
177  }
178  if(burst_size > MAX_BURST_SIZE || burst_size<=0){
179  cout << "WARNING the burst size inserted is not allowed, hence default use" << endl;
180  burst_size = 16;
181  strInput_burstSize.assign(to_string(burst_size));
182  }
185  unsigned long long int max_size_mem_size = pow(2,MAX_MEM_SIZE_BENCHMARKING_POWER_OF_TWO);
186  unsigned long long int min_size_mem_size = pow(2,MIN_MEM_SIZE_BENCHMARKING_POWER_OF_TWO);
187  unsigned int max_burst_size = MAX_BURST_SIZE_BENCHMARKING;
188  unsigned int min_burst_size = MIN_BURST_SIZE_BENCHMARKING;
189  unsigned int desired_repetitions = REPETITIONS_BENCHMARKING;
190  unsigned int burst_size_opposite = min_burst_size;
192  if(argc==7){
193  strInput_listMode.assign(argv[6]);
194  }else{
195  strInput_listMode.assign("");
196  }
197  bool use_the_list_mode=false;
198  if("list")==0){
199  use_the_list_mode=true;
200  std::cout << "Employing the List mode with max of " << max_size_mem_size << std::endl;
201  }
203  //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
204  //-- STEP-4 : Infinite Loop for reexecutinge the application! :D
205  //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
206  string user_choice = "r";
208  createItLogFile();
209  if(use_the_list_mode){
210  testingNumber=desired_repetitions;
211  memory_addr_under_test=min_size_mem_size;
212  burst_size=max_burst_size;
213  }//else take user params
214  //Iterating and interactive loop
215  while ("q") != 0 ) // quit
216  {
218  unsigned int test_pack = 1;
219  size_t charOutputSizeRoughBytes=8*1+((8 * (2 + 1 + 1 + 1)) * testingNumber);
220  test_pack = charOutputSizeRoughBytes%PACK_SIZE==0 ? charOutputSizeRoughBytes/PACK_SIZE : charOutputSizeRoughBytes/PACK_SIZE + 1;
221  size_t charOutputSize = PACK_SIZE*(test_pack);
222  string initial_input_string(input_string);
224  cout << " Creating mem test commands with " << memory_addr_under_test << " " << testingNumber << " " << burst_size << " as addr, iters, brst" << endl;
225  input_string=createMemTestCommands(memory_addr_under_test, testingNumber,burst_size);
226  size_t charInputSize = 8*2; //a single tdata*burst
228  if (input_string.length() == 0) {
229  cerr << "Empty string provided. Aborting...\n\n" << endl;
230  exit(1);
231  }
233  clock_t start_cycle_main = clock();
234  cout << " ___________________________________________________________________ " << endl;
235  cout << "/ \\" << endl;
236  cout << "INFO: Batch # " << ++num_frame << endl;
238  // Ensure that the selection of MTU is a multiple of 8 (Bytes per transaction)
239  assert(PACK_SIZE % 8 == 0);
241  //packt host2FPGA
242  unsigned int total_out_pack = 1 + (input_string.length() - 1) / PACK_SIZE;// only a single tx
243  unsigned int total_out_bytes = charInputSize;
244  unsigned int bytes_out_last_pack = input_string.length() - (total_out_pack-1) * PACK_SIZE;
246  //packt FPGA2host
247  unsigned int total_in_pack = test_pack;
248  unsigned int total_in_bytes = total_in_pack * PACK_SIZE;
249  unsigned int bytes_in_last_pack_in = charOutputSizeRoughBytes - (total_in_pack - 1) * PACK_SIZE;
251  cout << "INFO: Network socket : " << ((net_type == tcp) ? "TCP" : "UDP") << endl;
252  cout << "INFO: Total packets to send = " << total_out_pack << endl;
253  cout << "INFO: Total packets to receive = " << total_in_pack << endl;
254  cout << "INFO: Total bytes to send = " << total_out_bytes << endl;
255  cout << "INFO: Total bytes to receive = " << total_in_bytes << endl;
256  cout << "INFO: Total bytes rx " << total_in_bytes << " packets = " << total_in_pack << endl;
257  cout << "INFO: Bytes in last packet tx = " << bytes_out_last_pack << endl;
258  cout << "INFO: Bytes in last packet rx = " << bytes_in_last_pack_in << endl;
259  cout << "INFO: Packet size (custom MTU) = " << PACK_SIZE << endl;
261  //------------------------------------------------------
262  //-- STEP-5 : RUN MEMTEST FROM cF (HW)
263  //------------------------------------------------------
264  clock_t start_cycle_memtest_hw = clock();
266  //------------------------------------------------------
267  //-- STEP-5.1 : TX Loop
268  //------------------------------------------------------
269  clock_t last_cycle_tx = clock();
270  unsigned int sending_now = PACK_SIZE;
271  for (unsigned int i = 0; i < total_out_pack; i++) {
272  if ( i == total_out_pack - 1 ) {
273  sending_now = bytes_out_last_pack;
274  }
275  #if NET_TYPE == udp
276  //printStringHex(input_string,charInputSize*sizeof(char));
277  //printBits(charInputSize,input_string.c_str());
278  udpsock.sendTo( & input_string[i * PACK_SIZE], sending_now, servAddress, servPort);
279  #else
280  tcpsock.send( & input_string[i * PACK_SIZE], sending_now);
281  #endif
282  delay(1000);
283  }
284  clock_t next_cycle_tx = clock();
285  double duration_tx = (next_cycle_tx - last_cycle_tx) / (double) CLOCKS_PER_SEC;
286  cout << "INFO: Effective SPS TX:" << (1 / duration_tx) << " \tkbps:" << (PACK_SIZE *
287  total_out_pack / duration_tx / 1024 * 8) << endl;
288  last_cycle_tx = next_cycle_tx;
291  //------------------------------------------------------
292  //-- STEP-5.2 : RX Loop
293  //------------------------------------------------------
294  clock_t last_cycle_rx = clock();
295  unsigned int bytes_received = 0;
296  unsigned int receiving_now = PACK_SIZE;
297  cout << "INFO: Expecting length of packs:" << total_in_pack << endl;
298  char * longbuf = new char[PACK_SIZE * total_in_pack+1];
299  for (unsigned int i = 0; i < total_in_pack; ) {
300  if ( i == total_in_pack - 1 ) {
301  receiving_now = bytes_in_last_pack_in;
302  }
303  #if NET_TYPE == udp
304  recvMsgSize = udpsock.recvFrom(buffer, BUF_LEN, servAddress, servPort);
305  #else
306  recvMsgSize = tcpsock.recv(buffer, BUF_LEN);
307  #endif
308  if (recvMsgSize != receiving_now) {
309  cerr << "WARNING: Received unexpected size pack:" << recvMsgSize << ". Expected: " <<
310  receiving_now << endl;
311  }
312  memcpy( longbuf+(i*bytes_received), buffer, recvMsgSize);
313  cout << "DEBUG: recvMsgSize=" << recvMsgSize << endl;
314  bytes_received += recvMsgSize;
315  i ++;
316  }
318  cout << "INFO: Received packet from " << servAddress << ":" << servPort << endl;
320  #ifdef PY_WRAP
321  char *output_string = output_str;
322  #else
323  char *output_string = new char [(PACK_SIZE * total_in_pack*sizeof(char))];
324  #endif
325  memcpy( output_string, longbuf, bytes_received*sizeof(char));
326  output_string[PACK_SIZE * total_in_pack]='\0';
327  cout << "INFO: Received string : " << output_string << endl;
328  //printCharBuffHex(output_string,bytes_received);
330  clock_t next_cycle_rx = clock();
331  double duration_rx = (next_cycle_rx - last_cycle_rx) / (double) CLOCKS_PER_SEC;
332  cout << "INFO: Effective SPS RX:" << (1 / duration_rx) << " \tkbps:" << (PACK_SIZE *
333  total_in_pack / duration_rx / 1024 * 8) << endl;
334  last_cycle_rx = next_cycle_rx;
336  clock_t end_cycle_memtest_hw = next_cycle_rx;
338  double duration_memtest_hw = (end_cycle_memtest_hw - start_cycle_memtest_hw) /
339  (double) CLOCKS_PER_SEC;
340  cout << "INFO: HW exec. time:" << duration_memtest_hw << " seconds" << endl;
341  cout << "INFO: Effective SPS HW:" << (1 / duration_memtest_hw) << " \tkbps:" <<
342  (PACK_SIZE * total_in_pack / duration_memtest_hw / 1024 * 8) << endl;
344  double duration_main = (clock() - start_cycle_main) / (double) CLOCKS_PER_SEC;
345  cout << "INFO: Effective SPS E2E:" << (1 / duration_main) << endl;
346  cout << "\\___________________________________________________________________/" << endl
347  << endl;
351  //------------------------------------------------------
352  //-- STEP-5.3 : Parsing and displaying
353  //------------------------------------------------------
357  cout << " ___________________________________________________________________ " << endl;
358  cout << "/ \\" << endl;
359  cout <<"INFO: Entering in the output parsing section "<< endl;
360  std::vector<MemoryTestResult> testResults_vector;
361  string output_to_parse_string;
362  output_to_parse_string.append(output_string,charOutputSizeRoughBytes);
363  int rawdatalines = charOutputSizeRoughBytes / 8;;
364  testResults_vector=parseMemoryTestOutput(output_to_parse_string,charOutputSizeRoughBytes,rawdatalines);
365  //otuput showing
366  cout << "INFO: Test Results appearing" << endl;
367  cout << " The Memory test run for " << testResults_vector.size() << " iterations " << endl;
368  unsigned int mem_word_size = 512;
369  unsigned int mem_word_byte_size = mem_word_size/8;
370  double rd_bndwdth=0.0;
371  double wr_bndwdth=0.0;
372  double avg_rd_bndwdth=0.0;
373  double avg_wr_bndwdth=0.0;
374  int avg_fault_cnt = 0;
375  int iterations=0;
376  unsigned long long int written_words=0;
377  for(auto it = std::begin(testResults_vector); it != std::end(testResults_vector); ++it) {
378  cout << " Test number " << it - testResults_vector.begin() << " stress " << it->target_address << " addresses " << endl;
379  cout << " it presented " << it->fault_cntr << " faults " << endl;
380  cout << " and the first faulty address (if any) was " << it->first_fault_address << endl;
381  written_words = ((it->target_address) %mem_word_byte_size) == 0 ? ((it->target_address)/mem_word_byte_size) : (((it->target_address)/mem_word_byte_size) + 1);
382  rd_bndwdth = ( (double)written_words*(double)mem_word_size / ( (double)it->clock_cycles_read * 6.4 ) ); // Gbit/T
383  wr_bndwdth = ( (double)written_words*(double)mem_word_size / ( (double)it->clock_cycles_write * 6.4 ) );
384  cout << " RD BW " << rd_bndwdth << "[GBit/s], with " << it->clock_cycles_read << " ccs" << endl;
385  cout << " WR BW " << wr_bndwdth << "[GBit/s], with " << it->clock_cycles_write << " ccs" << endl;
386  cout << endl << endl;
387  avg_rd_bndwdth += rd_bndwdth;
388  avg_wr_bndwdth += wr_bndwdth;
389  avg_fault_cnt += it->fault_cntr;
390  iterations++;
392  logTheSingleResult(iterations, it->target_address, burst_size, written_words, rd_bndwdth, wr_bndwdth, it->fault_cntr, it->first_fault_address);
393  }
394  avg_rd_bndwdth = avg_rd_bndwdth / iterations;
395  avg_wr_bndwdth = avg_wr_bndwdth / iterations;
396  avg_fault_cnt = avg_fault_cnt / iterations;
397  cout << "Based on " << iterations << " iterations, AVG WR " << avg_wr_bndwdth << " AVG RD " << avg_rd_bndwdth << " AVG faults " << avg_fault_cnt << endl;
399  logTheAvgResult(iterations, memory_addr_under_test, burst_size, written_words, avg_rd_bndwdth, avg_wr_bndwdth, avg_fault_cnt);
400  //clear dynamic memory
401  delete [] longbuf;
402  delete [] output_string;
403  testResults_vector.clear();
404  output_to_parse_string.clear();
405  input_string.clear();
406  initial_input_string.clear();
407  strInput_memaddrUT.clear();
408  strInput_nmbrTest.clear();
412  //------------------------------------------------------
413  //-- STEP-5.4 : Interaction part
414  //------------------------------------------------------
418  //Need to close the application and send to the accelerator a stop for signaling a termination
419  if ("rq")==0)
420  {
421  cout << "INFO: going to close the application and send a stop command as the user requested." << endl;
422  user_choice.clear();
423  string cmd_string = createMemTestStopCommand();
424  char stop_char_buff [8];
425  memcpy(stop_char_buff,, 8);
426  sending_now = 8;
427  //printCharBuffHex(stop_char_buff,8);
428  #if NET_TYPE == udp
429  udpsock.sendTo(stop_char_buff, sending_now, servAddress, servPort);
430  #else
431  tcpsock.send(stop_char_buff, sending_now);
432  #endif
433  delay(1000);
434  #if NET_TYPE == udp
435  recvMsgSize = udpsock.recvFrom(buffer, BUF_LEN, servAddress, servPort);
436  #else
437  recvMsgSize = tcpsock.recv(buffer, BUF_LEN);
438  #endif
439  delay(1000);
440  char output_stop [8];
441  memcpy(output_stop,buffer,8);
442  if(strcmp(output_stop,stop_char_buff)==0){
443  cout << "INFO: Accelerator answered ok" << endl;
444  }else{
445  cout << "INFO: Bad answer received, take care "<< endl;
446  //printStringHex(output_stop,8);
447  }
448  cout << "INFO: IBM ZRL Memtest is closing." << endl<< "Goodbye :D" << endl;
449  break;
450  }
452  user_choice.clear();
453  string confirmation="";
455  cout << "That is all from this application." << endl;
457  if(use_the_list_mode){
458  user_choice.assign("r");
459  testingNumber=desired_repetitions;
460  burst_size=burst_size/2;
461  burst_size_opposite=burst_size_opposite*2;
462  cout << " burst size " << burst_size << " burst oppostit " << burst_size_opposite << endl;
463  if(burst_size_opposite>max_burst_size){ //if iterated all the burst sizes quit
464  // memory_addr_under_test=min_size_mem_size;
465  burst_size=max_burst_size;
466  burst_size_opposite=min_burst_size;
467  memory_addr_under_test=memory_addr_under_test*2;
468  memory_addr_under_test=memory_addr_under_test==max_size_mem_size ? memory_addr_under_test-64 : memory_addr_under_test;
469  if(memory_addr_under_test>max_size_mem_size){ //if iterated all the mem trgt address increment the burst
470  user_choice.assign("q");
471  }
472  }
473  //unsigned long long int max_gb = 8*pow(10,9);
474  //memory_addr_under_test=memory_addr_under_test%max_gb;
476  }else{
478  while (user_choice.empty() || ("y")!=0) || ( ("y")==0) && ("r")!=0 &&"q")!=0) &&"rq")!=0) )
479  {
480  cout << "What do you want to do now?" << endl;
481  cout << " <r>: run a new test, <q>: quit, <rq>: run a new test and quit "<<endl;
482  cout << "Please type your choice "<<endl;
483  cin >> user_choice;
484  cout << "Your choice is " << user_choice << ", is it ok? (y/n) " << endl;
485  cin >> confirmation;
486  }
487  if ("q")!=0)
488  {
489  confirmation.clear();
490  const unsigned long long int max_testable_address = MAX_TESTABLE_ADDRESS;
491  while ( strInput_memaddrUT.empty() || strInput_nmbrTest.empty() || strInput_burstSize.empty() || ("y")!=0))
492  {
493  cout << "Please type in the maximum address to test (no more than "<< to_string(max_testable_address) << ")"<< endl;
494  cin >> strInput_memaddrUT;
495  try{
496  memory_addr_under_test = stoull(strInput_memaddrUT);
497  } catch (const std::exception& e) {
498  std::cerr << e.what() << '\n';
499  cout << "WARNING something bad happened in the insertion, hence default used" << endl;
500  memory_addr_under_test = 64;
501  }
502  if(memory_addr_under_test > MAX_TESTABLE_ADDRESS || memory_addr_under_test<=0){
503  cout << "WARNING the address inserted is not allowed, hence default use" << endl;
504  memory_addr_under_test = 64;
505  strInput_memaddrUT.assign(to_string(memory_addr_under_test));
506  }
507  unsigned int max_testingNumber = ((int) pow(2,MAX_TEST_REPETITION_BITWIDTH) - 1);
508  cout << "Please type in the repetition of the test (no more than " << to_string(max_testingNumber) << ")"<< endl;
509  cin >> strInput_nmbrTest;
510  try{
511  testingNumber = stoul(strInput_nmbrTest);
512  } catch (const std::exception& e) {
513  std::cerr << e.what() << '\n';
514  cout << "WARNING something bad happened in the insertion, hence default used" << endl;
515  testingNumber = 3;
516  }
517  if(testingNumber > max_testingNumber || testingNumber<=0){
518  cout << "WARNING something bad happened in the insertion, hence default used" << endl;
519  testingNumber = 2;
520  strInput_nmbrTest.assign(to_string(testingNumber));
521  }
522  cout << "Please type in the desired burst size (no more than "<< to_string(MAX_BURST_SIZE) << ")"<< endl;
523  cin >> strInput_burstSize;
524  try{
525  burst_size = stoul(strInput_burstSize);
526  } catch (const std::exception& e) {
527  std::cerr << e.what() << '\n';
528  cout << "WARNING something bad happened in the insertion, hence default used" << endl;
529  burst_size = 16;
530  }
531  if(burst_size > MAX_BURST_SIZE || burst_size<=0){
532  cout << "WARNING the burst size inserted is not allowed, hence default use" << endl;
533  burst_size = 16;
534  strInput_burstSize.assign(to_string(burst_size));
535  }
536  cout << "Your choice is to test " << testingNumber << " times up to address " << memory_addr_under_test << " burst size " << burst_size << ", is it ok? (y/n) " << endl;
537  cin >> confirmation;
538  }
539  }
540  } //else interactive
541  if ("q")==0)
542  {
543  cout << "INFO: IBM ZRL Memtest is closing." << endl<< "Goodbye :D" << endl;
544  user_choice.clear();
545  string cmd_string = createMemTestStopCommand();
546  char stop_char_buff [8];
547  memcpy(stop_char_buff,, 8);
548  sending_now = 8;
549  //printCharBuffHex(stop_char_buff,8);
550  #if NET_TYPE == udp
551  udpsock.sendTo(stop_char_buff, sending_now, servAddress, servPort);
552  #else
553  tcpsock.send(stop_char_buff, sending_now);
554  #endif
555  delay(1000);
556  #if NET_TYPE == udp
557  recvMsgSize = udpsock.recvFrom(buffer, BUF_LEN, servAddress, servPort);
558  #else
559  recvMsgSize = tcpsock.recv(buffer, BUF_LEN);
560  #endif
561  delay(1000);
562  char output_stop [8];
563  memcpy(output_stop,buffer,8);
564  if(strcmp(output_stop,stop_char_buff)==0){
565  cout << "INFO: Accelerator answered ok" << endl;
566  }else{
567  cout << "INFO: Bad answer received, take care "<< endl;
568  //printStringHex(output_stop,8);
569  }
570  cout << "INFO: IBM ZRL Memtest is closing." << endl<< "Goodbye :D" << endl;
571  break;
572  } // if to quit
574  }//end of while loop
582 // Destructor closes the socket
583 }catch (SocketException & e) {
584  cerr << e.what() << endl;
585  cout << "INFO: there was a SocketException, now aborting" << endl;
586  exit(1);
587 }
590  return 0;
591 }
cat GET request dos socat stdio tcp
Definition: commands.txt:1
void memtest(ap_uint< 32 > *pi_rank, ap_uint< 32 > *pi_size, stream< NetworkWord > &siSHL_This_Data, stream< NetworkWord > &soTHIS_Shl_Data, stream< NetworkMetaStream > &siNrc_meta, stream< NetworkMetaStream > &soNrc_meta, ap_uint< 32 > *po_rx_ports, membus_t *lcl_mem0, membus_t *lcl_mem1)
Main process of the Memtest Application directives.
Definition: memtest.cpp:39
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
#define udp
Definition: config.h:66
std::vector< MemoryTestResult > parseMemoryTestOutput(const string longbuf, size_t charOutputSize, int rawdatalines)
Parse the memory test output contained in astring with a given size.
Definition: common.hpp:444
Definition: common.hpp:57
void createAVGLogFile()
Definition: common.hpp:557
#define NET_TYPE
Definition: config.h:60
string createMemTestCommands(unsigned long long int mem_address, unsigned int testingNumber, unsigned int burst_size)
Create the commands for a memory test with start/max address to test-nop to execute-stop.
Definition: common.hpp:137
#define BUF_LEN
Definition: config.h:54
void createItLogFile()
Definition: common.hpp:586
string createMemTestStopCommand()
Definition: common.hpp:168
void logTheAvgResult(unsigned int iters, unsigned long long int trgt_address, unsigned int brst_size, unsigned int wr_words, double rd_bw, double wr_bw, unsigned int faults)
Definition: common.hpp:567
void delay(unsigned int mseconds)
Definition: common.hpp:85
void logTheSingleResult(unsigned int iters, unsigned long long int trgt_address, unsigned int brst_size, unsigned int wr_words, double rd_bw, double wr_bw, unsigned int faults, unsigned long long int first_faulty_address)
Definition: common.hpp:598
void print_cFpMemtest(void)
Definition: common.hpp:69
Definition: common.hpp:59
#define PACK_SIZE
Definition: config.h:51
Definition: common.hpp:58
def clock()