cloudFPGA (cF) API  1.0
The documentation of the source code of cloudFPGA (cF)
Go to the documentation of this file.
36 #include "../src/dhcp_client.hpp"
38 #include <iostream>
39 #include <fstream>
41 using namespace hls;
42 using namespace std;
44 void getOffer(stream<UdpWord>& outData)
45 {
46  static ap_uint<6> wordCount = 0;
47  static bool done = false;
49  UdpWord sendWord;
50  if (!done)
51  {
52  switch (wordCount)
53  {
54  case 0:
55  sendWord.tdata = 0x34aad42800060102;
56  break;
57  case 1: //seconds, flags, clientip
58  case 5: //clientMac padding + severhostname
59  case 6:
60  case 7:
61  case 8:
62  case 9:
63  case 10:
64  case 11:
65  case 12:
66  case 13:
67  case 14:
68  case 15: //boot filename
69  case 16:
70  case 17:
71  case 18:
72  case 19:
73  case 20:
74  case 21:
75  case 22:
76  case 23:
77  case 24:
78  case 25:
79  case 26:
80  case 27:
81  case 28:
82  sendWord.tdata = 0;
83  break;
84  case 2:
85  sendWord.tdata = 0x0105050a0a05050a; //your ip, next server ip
86  break;
87  case 3:
88  sendWord.tdata = 0x0304050600000000;
89  break;
90  case 4:
91  sendWord.tdata = 0x0000000000000102; //clientMac 2nd part
92  break;
93  /*case 13:
94 = 0x6c65707800000000;
95  break;
96  case 14:
97 = 0x0000302e78756e69;
98  break;*/
99  case 29:
100  sendWord.tdata = 0x6353826300000000; //Magic Cookie
101  break;
102  case 30:
103  sendWord.tdata = 0x05050a0436020135; //dhcp option 53, 54
104  break;
105  case 31:
106  sendWord.tdata = 0x0158020000043301; //54, 51, 58
107  break;
108  case 32:
109  sendWord.tdata = 0x0a040300ffffff04; // 58, 59
110  break;
111  case 33:
112  sendWord.tdata = 0x05050a041c010505; // 59, 1
113  break;
114  case 34:
115  sendWord.tdata = 0x7265746e69140fff; //1, 3, 15
116  break;
117  case 35:
118  sendWord.tdata = 0x6d6178652e6c616e; //15
119  break;
120  case 36:
121  sendWord.tdata = 0xff67726f2e656c70; //15, done
122  break;
123  case 37:
124  sendWord.tdata = 0; //padding
125  done = true;
126  break;
127 /* case 38:
128 = 0x6863027a68746504; //119
129  break;
130  case 39:
131 = 0x00000000ff04c000; //119, done
132  done = true;
133  break;*/
134  } //switch
135  if (!done)
136  {
137  sendWord.tkeep = 0xff;
138  sendWord.tlast = 0;
139  }
140  else
141  {
142  sendWord.tkeep = 0x0f;
143  sendWord.tlast = 1;
144  }
145  outData.write(sendWord);
146  wordCount++;
147  } //done
148 }
151 void getAck(stream<UdpWord>& outData)
152 {
153  static ap_uint<6> wordCount = 0;
154  static bool done = false;
156  UdpWord sendWord;
157  if (!done)
158  {
159  switch (wordCount)
160  {
161  case 0:
162  sendWord.tdata = 0x34aad42800060102;
163  break;
164  case 1: //seconds, flags, clientip
165  case 5: //clientMac padding + severhostname
166  case 6:
167  case 7:
168  case 8:
169  case 9:
170  case 10:
171  case 11:
172  case 12:
173  case 13:
174  case 14:
175  case 15: //boot filename
176  case 16:
177  case 17:
178  case 18:
179  case 19:
180  case 20:
181  case 21:
182  case 22:
183  case 23:
184  case 24:
185  case 25:
186  case 26:
187  case 27:
188  case 28:
189  sendWord.tdata = 0;
190  break;
191  case 2:
192  sendWord.tdata = 0x0105050a0a05050a; //your ip, next server ip
193  break;
194  case 3:
195  sendWord.tdata = 0x0304050600000000;
196  break;
197  case 4:
198  sendWord.tdata = 0x0000000000000102; //clientMac 2nd part
199  break;
200  /*case 13:
201 = 0x6c65707800000000;
202  break;
203  case 14:
204 = 0x0000302e78756e69;
205  break;*/
206  case 29:
207  sendWord.tdata = 0x6353826300000000; //Magic Cookie
208  break;
209  case 30:
210  sendWord.tdata = 0x05050a0436050135; //dhcp option 53, 54
211  break;
212  case 31:
213  sendWord.tdata = 0x0158020000043301; //54, 51, 1
214  break;
215  case 32:
216  sendWord.tdata = 0x0a040300ffffff04; //
217  break;
218  case 33:
219  sendWord.tdata = 0x05050a041c010505; //
220  break;
221  case 34:
222  sendWord.tdata = 0x7265746e69140fff; //1, 28, 15
223  break;
224  case 35:
225  sendWord.tdata = 0x6d6178652e6c616e; //15
226  break;
227  case 36:
228  sendWord.tdata = 0xff67726f2e656c70; //15, done
229  break;
230  case 37:
231  sendWord.tdata = 0; //padding
232  done = true;
233  break;
234 /* case 38:
235 = 0x6863027a68746504; //119
236  break;
237  case 39:
238 = 0x00000000ff04c000; //119, done
239  done = true;
240  break;*/
241  } //switch
242  if (!done)
243  {
244  sendWord.tkeep = 0xff;
245  sendWord.tlast = 0;
246  }
247  else
248  {
249  sendWord.tkeep = 0x0f;
250  sendWord.tlast = 1;
251  }
252  outData.write(sendWord);
253  wordCount++;
254  } //done
255 }
258 int main()
259 {
260  stream<ap_uint<16> > openPort("openPort");
261  stream<bool> confirmPortStatus("confirmPortStatus");
262  //stream<ap_uint<16> >& realeasePort,
263  stream<UdpMeta> dataInMeta("dataInMeta");
264  stream<UdpWord> dataIn("dataIn");
265  stream<UdpMeta> dataOutMeta("dataOutMeta");
266  stream<UdpPLen> dataOutLength("dataOutLength");
267  stream<UdpWord> dataOut("dataOut");
268  ap_uint<32> ipAddressOut;
269  ap_uint<1> dhcpEnable = 0;
270  ap_uint<32> inputIpAddress = 0x0C0C0C0C;
271  ap_uint<48> myMacAddress = 0x010203040506;
273  int count = 0;
274  ap_uint<16> port;
276  ifstream goldenFile;
277  ofstream outputFile;
280  if (!outputFile) {
281  cout << "Error: could not open output vector file." << endl;
282  return -1;
283  }
285  if (!goldenFile) {
286  cout << "Error: could not open golden output vector file." << endl;
287  return -1;
288  }
289  while (count < 1000) {
290  dhcp_client(
291  dhcpEnable,
292  myMacAddress,
293  ipAddressOut,
294  confirmPortStatus,
295  openPort,
296  dataIn,
297  dataInMeta,
298  dataOut,
299  dataOutMeta,
300  dataOutLength);
302  if (!openPort.empty()) {
304  confirmPortStatus.write(true);
305  //std::cout << "Port: " << port << "opened." << std::endl;
306  }
308  if (count == 120)
309  dhcpEnable = 1;
310  else if (count == 800)
311  dhcpEnable = 0;
312  if (count > 200 && count < 300) {
313  //std::cout << "Incoming DHCP offer" << std::endl;
314  getOffer(dataIn);
315  }
316  else if (count > 300) {
317  //std::cout << "Incoming DHCP ACK" << std::endl;
318  getAck(dataIn);
319  }
320  count++;
321  //std::cout << std::hex << count << " - " << ipAddressOut << std::endl;
322  }
324  UdpWord outWord;
325  UdpMeta outMeta;
326  ap_uint<16> outLen;
327  bool wasLast = true;
328  int outCount = 0;
329  uint16_t keepTemp;
330  uint64_t dataTemp;
331  uint16_t lastTemp;
332  int errCount = 0;
334  while (!dataOut.empty()) {
335  if (wasLast && !dataOutMeta.empty()) {
337  std::cout << "Src: " << outMeta.src.addr(31, 24)<< "." << outMeta.src.addr(23, 16) << ".";
338  std::cout << outMeta.src.addr(15, 8)<< "." << outMeta.src.addr(7, 0) << ":";
339  std::cout << ":" << outMeta.src.port << std::endl;
340  std::cout << "Dst: " << outMeta.dst.addr(31, 24)<< "." << outMeta.dst.addr(23, 16) << ".";
341  std::cout << outMeta.dst.addr(15, 8)<< "." << outMeta.dst.addr(7, 0) << ":";
342  std::cout << outMeta.dst.port << std::endl;
343  }
344  if (wasLast && !dataOutLength.empty()) {
346  std::cout << "Length: " << outLen << std::endl;
347  }
349  std::cout << std::hex << std::setfill('0');
350  std::cout << std::setw(8) << ((uint32_t) outWord.tdata(63, 32)) << std::setw(8) << ((uint32_t) outWord.tdata(31, 0)) << "\t";
351  std::cout << std::setw(2) << outWord.tkeep << " " << outWord.tlast << std::endl;
352  wasLast = outWord.tlast;
354  outputFile << std::hex << std::noshowbase;
355  outputFile << std::setfill('0');
356  outputFile << std::setw(8) << ((uint32_t) outWord.tdata(63, 32));
357  outputFile << std::setw(8) << ((uint32_t) outWord.tdata(31, 0));
358  outputFile << " " << std::setw(2) << ((uint32_t) outWord.tkeep) << " ";
359  outputFile << std::setw(1) << ((uint32_t) outWord.tlast) << std::endl;
361  goldenFile >> std::hex >> dataTemp >> keepTemp >> lastTemp;
363  if (outWord.tdata != dataTemp || outWord.tkeep != keepTemp || outWord.tlast != lastTemp) { // Compare results
364  errCount++;
365  cerr << "X";
366  } else {
367  cerr << ".";
368  }
370  outCount++;
371  if (outWord.tlast) {
372  std::cout << "computed length: " << std::dec << (outCount*8) << std::endl;
373  outCount = 0;
374  }
375  }
377  std::cout << std::dec<< "IP Address: " << ipAddressOut(7,0) << "." << ipAddressOut(15,8) << ".";
378  std::cout << ipAddressOut(23,16) << "." << ipAddressOut(31,24) << std::endl;
379  outputFile.close();
380  goldenFile.close();
381  cerr << " done." << endl << endl;
383  printf("#####################################################\n");
384  if (errCount) {
385  printf("## ERROR - TESTBENCH FAILED (RC=%d) !!! ##\n", errCount);
386  errCount = 1;
387  }
388  else
389  printf("## SUCCESSFULL END OF TESTBENCH (RC=0) ##\n");
391  printf("#####################################################\n");
393  return(errCount);
395 }
void dhcp_client(ap_uint< 1 > &piMMIO_This_Enable, ap_uint< 48 > &piMMIO_This_MacAddress, ap_uint< 32 > &poTHIS_Nts_IpAddress, stream< AxisAck > &siUDMX_This_OpnAck, stream< UdpPort > &soTHIS_Udmx_OpnReq, stream< UdpWord > &siUDMX_This_Data, stream< UdpMeta > &siUDMX_This_Meta, stream< UdpWord > &soTHIS_Udmx_Data, stream< UdpMeta > &soTHIS_Udmx_Meta, stream< UdpPort > &soTHIS_Udmx_PLen)
Main process of the DHCP-client.
ap_uint< 16 > port
ap_uint< 32 > addr
SocketAddr src
SocketAddr dst
ap_uint< 64 > tdata
ap_uint< 1 > tlast
ap_uint< 8 > tkeep
void getAck(stream< UdpWord > &outData)
int main()
void getOffer(stream< UdpWord > &outData)