cloudFPGA (cF) API  1.0
The documentation of the source code of cloudFPGA (cF)

This is the documentation of the cF sources in Doxygen style.

What's new?

Curious about what was added or improved recently? Check out the Changelog.

Getting started

The best way to get started is to read the thorough guide to download, build, install and start using cFDK. Currently we provide building support for Linux. After that, there are various tutorials and exemplary projects. In addition, this documentation page is the best place to navigate into all code semantics of cFDK. Specifically, looking into the cloudFPGA module, one can explore the files, macros, functions and variables of the various submodules.

cloudFPGA example applications

cloudFPGA projects (cFp_) are provided to demonstrate the usage of the cFDK and to provide some code for learning.

Currently, the following cFps are provided:


Want to learn more about cFDK? Found a bug or want to share an awesome idea? Feel free to visit the project website or contact the author at:


Head over to the contribution guide to see how to make changes, verify the results and submit patches.

See the NOTICE file of every cF repository for details about contributors and third-party code involved. Big thanks to everyone involved!


cFDK is licensed under Apache license 2.0, see file for details.