5. Project repository

5.1. About cF Projects

In cloudFPGA, a user application is referred to as a ROLE. To be functional in a cF system, this ROLE must be integrated with a specific SHELL.

The integration of a ROLE along with its associated SHELL into a top-level design (TOP) is what constitutes a cloudFPGA project which is typically stored as a cFp repository of the cloudFPGA organization.


By convention, we recommend naming a project repository after the project itself while prefixing it with the string “cFp_” (e.g. cFp_Zoo).

5.2. Getting started with a cF project

If you are new to cloudFPGA, we recommend that you clone or copy an existing cFp project (e.g. cFp_HelloThemisto) and that you start experimenting by modifying or removing its ROLE.

The typical structure of a cF project is a follows:

$ tree <cFp_ProjectName>
    cFDK/ (the cloudFPGA development kit as a submodule)
    TOP/  (the toplevel that integrates a SHELL and a ROLE)
    └──tcl/ (don't touch, is copied from cFDK)
    └──xdc/ (user added constraints; you add your debug nets here)
    └──hdl/ (HDL version of the toplevel)
       └── a.s.o. (if custom hdl files for TOP)
    ROLE/ (the user application(s))
    └── role1 (or not, depends on PR, etc.)
    └── role2 (or not, depends on cluster)
    └── a.s.o.
    dcps/ (contains the dcps and bitfiles)
    xpr/ (contains the Vivado project)
    ip/ (contains the IP cores (generated during build))
    └── setenv.sh (sets the envrionment)

5.3. How to cFCreate

To facilitate the creation of a new project from scratch or to manage and update an existing one, we provide you with the cFCreate framework.

To use this framework, you need to clone the cFCreate repository into **\ ** and setup a virtual environment for it.

$ cd <your-path>
$ git clone git@github.com:cloudFPGA/cFCreate.git
$ cd cFCreate/
$ which python3.8
$ virtualenv -p /usr/bin/python3.8 cfenv
$ source cfenv/bin/activate
$ pip install -r requirements.txt

From now on, you can create a new empty cFp with the following command:

$ cd <your-path>
$ ./cFCreate new --cfdk-version=latest --git-init <path-to-the-new-project-folder>

For more information and more advanced options, please consult the documentation of the cFCreate repository.

5.4. How to create a project in the cF organization

If you want to create a repository in the cF organization, please contact us here and we will create one for your project to live in github.com/cloudFPGA.

5.5. Project Repositories