4. The cloudFPGA SphereΒΆ

The cloudFPGA Sphere or cFSphere is what constitutes the core of a cloudFPGA system. It is composed of several software components, each of them being provided as a standalone cF repository.

Bus-attached vs Network-attached FPGAs
  • The cloudFPGA Development Kit (cFDK) provides all the design files that are necessary to instantiate a cloudFPGA SHELL once a Shell-Role architecture has been chosen by the user.

    • The cFDK is provided as a cloudFPGA repository (cFDK Repo) and the documentation of its API is available in Doxygen style (cFDK Dox)

  • The cloudFPGA Resource Manager (cFRM) is a software component for acquiring, distributing, configuring and operating our stand-alone network-attached FPGAs in the DC infrastructure. This is a complex 3-tier hierarchical architecture [Ringlein-2019] for which we provide the following two RESTful web APIs for a user to interact with:

    • The cloudFPGA Support Package (cFSP) is a software library for accessing the control and the data path of a cloudFPGA instance. The cFSP is provided as a cloudFPGA repository (cFSP Repo).

    • The cloudFPGA REST (cFREST) is a graphical web API for the user to access the features provided by the cFRM. This API is available as a Swagger UI with a look and feel similar to this screenshot.

  • The cloudFPGA Create (cFCreate) is a framework to assist a user during the creation and the update of a cloudFPGA project. It is also provided as a cloudFPGA repository (cFCreate Rep)

For more information on these components, please visit the documentation of the corresponding repositories.