cloudFPGA (cF) API  1.0
The documentation of the source code of cloudFPGA (cF)
Deprecated List
Member gammacorrection (ap_uint< 32 > *pi_rank, ap_uint< 32 > *pi_size, stream< NetworkWord > &siSHL_This_Data, stream< NetworkWord > &soTHIS_Shl_Data, stream< NetworkMetaStream > &siNrc_meta, stream< NetworkMetaStream > &soNrc_meta, ap_uint< 32 > *po_rx_ports)
This functions is using deprecated AXI stream interface
File gammacorrection.cpp
For the time being, we continue designing with the DEPRECATED directives because the new PRAGMAs do not work for us.
File gammacorrection.hpp
For the time being, we continue designing with the DEPRECATED directives because the new PRAGMAs do not work for us.
Member harris (ap_uint< 32 > *pi_rank, ap_uint< 32 > *pi_size, stream< NetworkWord > &siSHL_This_Data, stream< NetworkWord > &soTHIS_Shl_Data, stream< NetworkMetaStream > &siNrc_meta, stream< NetworkMetaStream > &soNrc_meta, ap_uint< 32 > *po_rx_ports)
This functions is using deprecated AXI stream interface
File harris.cpp
For the time being, we continue designing with the DEPRECATED directives because the new PRAGMAs do not work for us.
File harris.hpp
For the time being, we continue designing with the DEPRECATED directives because the new PRAGMAs do not work for us.
Member mceuropeanengine (ap_uint< 32 > *pi_rank, ap_uint< 32 > *pi_size, stream< NetworkWord > &siSHL_This_Data, stream< NetworkWord > &soTHIS_Shl_Data, stream< NetworkMetaStream > &siNrc_meta, stream< NetworkMetaStream > &soNrc_meta, ap_uint< 32 > *po_rx_ports)
This functions is using deprecated AXI stream interface
File mceuropeanengine.cpp
For the time being, we continue designing with the DEPRECATED directives because the new PRAGMAs do not work for us.
File mceuropeanengine.hpp
For the time being, we continue designing with the DEPRECATED directives because the new PRAGMAs do not work for us.
Member median_blur (ap_uint< 32 > *pi_rank, ap_uint< 32 > *pi_size, stream< NetworkWord > &siSHL_This_Data, stream< NetworkWord > &soTHIS_Shl_Data, stream< NetworkMetaStream > &siNrc_meta, stream< NetworkMetaStream > &soNrc_meta, ap_uint< 32 > *po_rx_ports, stream< DmCmd > &soMemWrCmdP0, stream< DmSts > &siMemWrStsP0, stream< Axis< 512 > > &soMemWriteP0, membus_t *lcl_mem0, membus_t *lcl_mem1)
This functions is using deprecated AXI stream interface
File median_blur.cpp
For the time being, we continue designing with the DEPRECATED directives because the new PRAGMAs do not work for us.
File median_blur.hpp
For the time being, we continue designing with the DEPRECATED directives because the new PRAGMAs do not work for us.
Member memtest (ap_uint< 32 > *pi_rank, ap_uint< 32 > *pi_size, stream< NetworkWord > &siSHL_This_Data, stream< NetworkWord > &soTHIS_Shl_Data, stream< NetworkMetaStream > &siNrc_meta, stream< NetworkMetaStream > &soNrc_meta, ap_uint< 32 > *po_rx_ports, membus_t *lcl_mem0, membus_t *lcl_mem1)
This functions is using deprecated AXI stream interface
File memtest.cpp
For the time being, we continue designing with the DEPRECATED directives because the new PRAGMAs do not work for us.
File memtest.hpp
For the time being, we continue designing with the DEPRECATED directives because the new PRAGMAs do not work for us.
File memtest_library.hpp
pMemCpyCircularBuff; pCountClockCycles
File memtest_pattern_library.hpp

File memtest_processing.hpp

Member pRDCompareDataStreamsCount (local_mem_addr_t max_addr_ut, hls::stream< local_mem_word_t > &sInReadData, hls::stream< local_mem_word_t > &sInGoldData, ap_uint< 32 > *faulty_addresses_cntr, local_mem_addr_t *first_faulty_address)
Member pRDMainMemoryRead2StreamData (hls::stream< Tcntr > &sOutCmd, hls::stream< local_mem_word_t > &sOutreadData, membus_t *lcl_mem, local_mem_addr_t max_addr_ut, unsigned int burst_size)
Member pRDRead2StreamDataVariableBurst (hls::stream< Tcntr > &sOutCmd, hls::stream< local_mem_word_t > &sOutreadData, membus_t *lcl_mem, local_mem_addr_t max_addr_ut, unsigned int burst_size)
Member sobel (ap_uint< 32 > *pi_rank, ap_uint< 32 > *pi_size, stream< NetworkWord > &siSHL_This_Data, stream< NetworkWord > &soTHIS_Shl_Data, stream< NetworkMetaStream > &siNrc_meta, stream< NetworkMetaStream > &soNrc_meta, ap_uint< 32 > *po_rx_ports, stream< DmCmd > &soMemWrCmdP0, stream< DmSts > &siMemWrStsP0, stream< Axis< 512 > > &soMemWriteP0, membus_t *lcl_mem0, membus_t *lcl_mem1)
This functions is using deprecated AXI stream interface
File sobel.cpp
For the time being, we continue designing with the DEPRECATED directives because the new PRAGMAs do not work for us.
File sobel.hpp
For the time being, we continue designing with the DEPRECATED directives because the new PRAGMAs do not work for us.
File sobel_hw_common.hpp
pMemCpyCircularBuff; pCountClockCycles
File sobel_network_library.hpp
File sobel_processing.hpp

Member uppercase (ap_uint< 32 > *pi_rank, ap_uint< 32 > *pi_size, stream< NetworkWord > &siSHL_This_Data, stream< NetworkWord > &soTHIS_Shl_Data, stream< NetworkMetaStream > &siNrc_meta, stream< NetworkMetaStream > &soNrc_meta, ap_uint< 32 > *po_rx_ports)

This functions is using deprecated AXI stream interface

This functions is using deprecated AXI stream interface

File uppercase.cpp
For the time being, we continue designing with the DEPRECATED directives because the new PRAGMAs do not work for us.
File uppercase.cpp
For the time being, we continue designing with the DEPRECATED directives because the new PRAGMAs do not work for us.
File uppercase.hpp
For the time being, we continue designing with the DEPRECATED directives because the new PRAGMAs do not work for us.
File uppercase.hpp
For the time being, we continue designing with the DEPRECATED directives because the new PRAGMAs do not work for us.
Member warp_transform (ap_uint< 32 > *pi_rank, ap_uint< 32 > *pi_size, stream< NetworkWord > &siSHL_This_Data, stream< NetworkWord > &soTHIS_Shl_Data, stream< NetworkMetaStream > &siNrc_meta, stream< NetworkMetaStream > &soNrc_meta, ap_uint< 32 > *po_rx_ports, stream< DmCmd > &soMemWrCmdP0, stream< DmSts > &siMemWrStsP0, stream< Axis< 512 >> &soMemWriteP0, membus_t *lcl_mem0, membus_t *lcl_mem1)
This functions is using deprecated AXI stream interface
File warp_transform.cpp
For the time being, we continue designing with the DEPRECATED directives because the new PRAGMAs do not work for us.
File warp_transform.hpp
For the time being, we continue designing with the DEPRECATED directives because the new PRAGMAs do not work for us.
File warp_transform_hw_common.hpp
pMemCpyCircularBuff; pCountClockCycles
File warp_transform_network_library.hpp
File warp_transform_processing.hpp